Good old messenger

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The hours passed, but Eda stayed in my mind. After showering and changing, I decided to go for a walk as there was a lot of mystical forest to explore near me. The leaves of most of the trees were red, pink or purple, there were also blue trees. Everything was different from our realm and I liked that so much.

I saw a single flower in front of a bush that was spewing small balls of lava. I knew if I picked her she would stop until she was replanted. Possibly it would eliminate all the insects from Eda's plants, which were mainly planted by Lillith. I smiled.
Lillith would love her.

Then I shook my head. That wouldn't be the right flower for Eda. So I kept looking for an attractive flower. I found one at the river bank. It was pink and glowing. I knelt on the floor and smelled her. It smelled sweet, but very fresh too.
She is beautiful. Just like Eda.

I carefully picked the flower from the ground by its root and took it back to my hut. There I put it in a vase. I was already trying to read and find out a lot about the plants on the Boiling Isles, but had no idea what flower I had just picked. I lay down on my bed and started following Luz's posts on Pentragram, hoping to see Eda in one of the pictures and videos. I was still thinking about the note and her number.

Text her!

My subconscious told me. I sighed, took my phone and the piece of paper and saved Eda's number. I stared at the screen at her number for minutes.
What should I even write? That I can't get her out of my head? That I would like to have her with me now? That I had a crush on her?

Just the thought of a message made me nervous. I sighed again.
I opened the chat and typed

Y/n: Hey Eda, this is Y/n. I didn't even know you had a cell phone. That makes me even happier.
I undid the message and put my phone aside for a moment.
Why is this so difficult?

I picked up my cell phone again.
Y/n: Hey Eda, this is Y/n. You see, I didn't lose the note, the bra is a good temporary storage place. How was your day?
I undid the message.

Y/n: Hey Eda, it's Y/n. How was your day? Back from the market already?

I sent the message with a loud exhale. I waited anxiously for half an hour for an answer, but still received none. Then the wait extended to an hour and I started to regret writing her.
Did I write something wrong?

I felt my mood sinking and was about to turn off my phone until I heard a loud DING.
I immediately opened the chat.

Eda: Hello Y/n, I am happy about your message. I just got back to the house. It was an exhausting day. Too many new customers, too many old faces and far too many dunderheads, so called "guards" . How are you doing? How was your day? Do you already miss me? ;)

I grinned broadly to myself, was also blushing and answered immediately without hesitating or making Eda wait long.

Y/n: Why are the guards by the way after you? I'm fine, I went for a long walk today.

Eda replied within two minutes.
Eda: I'll tell you that in person. For a walk? Without me? How dare you.

I giggled.
Y/n: Would you like to come along?

Eda: Would you have liked to have me there?

I read her message and blushed.

Y/n: If it were up to me, then yes. Do you have time tomorrow?

Eda: No, tomorrow I'm meeting up with an old good friend of mine.

When I read the last message my heart sank. Old good friend? Nothing is going on, is it?

I felt jealousy bubble up within me, but I fought against it. I had no right to be jealous.

Y/n: Okay, then another time.

She sent me a thumbs up. That seemed to be her last message. I sighed.
Who do you think she's seeing?
I fought the idea, but couldn't help but text Emira and ask if she knew more than me. She then asked Luz and called me.


„Who is that?" I asked, a little worried.

„Luz said Eda was very good friends with them a few years ago and was also a little in love." I could tell from Emira's tone that she also found the last part of the last sentence difficult to tell me.

„Oh," I replied bitterly.
„Thanks for finding out."
„No problem."
I hung up and slipped my phone under my pillow to bury my face into the pillow too.

Raine? In love? How could I possibly think that Eda and I could possibly become something? I'm far too young for her and we barely know each other.

My mood went downhill for the rest of the day. How I wish I had asked Eda herself. And I could have, but I didn't want her to know that I wanted to know who she was meeting tomorrow. That would be an invasion of privacy. On the other hand...maybe she already knows that Emira asked Luz for me.

Can Luz shut up?

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now