Late night concert - a confession

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I thought it might be rude to answer my phone and see who I had received a message from. But then I thought it might be from Eda and my heart started beating faster.

„I don't mind," said Edric, who must have noticed that I was in a conflict with myself.

I rolled over onto my stomach and picked up the phone. An unopened message from Luz.

A message from Luz? That's new.

I clicked into the chat.

Luz: Hi Y/n, Emira gave me your number. Eda, King and I are at the Bard Coven concert downtown tonight. Raine plays on stage with other members. Do you want to come along?

I took a deep breath.
A concert? Eda is there too? Of course she is there for Raine.
I felt the bitterness within me. Of course I wanted to go, but I would feel like the fifth wheel on the car, all alone.

Y/n: Thanks for asking Luz, but I don't think it's for me. You and the others have fun!

I put the phone aside.
„It was Luz, she asked me if I wanted to go to the concert downtown with her tonight."

„Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that!" Edric sat up and took two papers out of his pockets. They were tickets.
„I actually wanted to ask you too, but I thought it would be inappropriate in the boat."

I considered. Would Eda get jealous if she saw me alone with Edric?

„Fine, I'll come with you."

„Great, that's great. Then I'll pick you up from your house with my staff this evening, okay?"

I nodded indifferently.
„Then let's go now, I'd like to put something else on."
So I can catch Eda's eye.

„Okay, I'll see you later."

„See you tonight Edric and thanks for the boat ride."
I smiled at him, but didn't dare to hug him after all. He smiled too.

„I'll show up at your place around seven. The concert starts at eight."

And so he flew away. This made me feel somewhat liberated.
I didn't think I would have to turn down Edric, my best friend, today.

When I got home I ran to the wardrobe feeling a bit overwhelmed.
What should I wear?

I chose a red dress that would definitely attract some attention. I tinted my lips red and the ink lengthened my eyelashes. I styled my hair especially for this evening.

A few hours later, Edric knocked on the door.

„Good evening beautiful, ready to go?"
Even Edric was nicely dressed in a black and white suit with a tie.

„You look great Ed," I said quietly encouragingly.

„Thank you, you even more."
His cheeks glowed pink and his eyes sparkled.
I smiled. „Thanks, I hope Eda will like my outfit too."

We mounted his broom and I wrapped my arms around his stomach. We flew into the city center relatively quickly, and we could see the bright colors and lights from above, including the stage.

As we came down, Edric offered me his arm. I locked myself in and together we walked towards the stage. I looked around everywhere trying to spot Eda, or at least Luz or King.

„Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind.

I turned around.

„Oh hello Eda!" I smiled while still holding Edric's arm, a little tighter now due to nervousness.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now