The night market part 2

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I also continued to walk on and then heard my name being yelled. „Y/n! Here!"
I looked to the right side.
„Other direction you idiot!"
I looked to the left side.
The feeling of relieve filled me as I finally saw Edric and Emira standing in front of a stall that sells... uhm ... eyes?
I shook my head in disgust and clapped hands with the twins. Then we bumped our hips together. „Finally. Oh god I have so many things to tell you both."
Emira wrapped her arm around my shoulder. „You got all the time in the world but first watch this." Edric pulled out a remote and nodded to the stall on the other side of the street. It was the shop of a grumpy small biped demon wearing a business jacket. „Tibbles is so gonna love it." Emira said and giggled.
Edric pressed the red button on the remote and


the whole shop explode in something that looked like slime.

„NOOO! All my belongings! All my money!!! NOOOO!"

We laughed out loud while watching Tibbles stomping up and down on the ground with a bright red head.

Unfortunately our laughter was so loud that he could hear it and saw us.

„YOU!" he pointed to us.

„Oh shit, time to go." Edric said, grabbed my hand and ran away with me and Emira.

We stopped in a dark corner, rested our hands on our knees and gasped for air.
We still couldn't hold back our laughter.

„Did you see his face?"
„I can never forget that."

It took us minutes to calm down as we sat down on the ground and leaned our backs against the cold stone wall.

„So what was it that you wanted to tell us?" Edric wanted to know as he smiled warmly at me.

„Before I saw you both, I got flirted on by a biped demon. You know the fleshy red one with sharp teeth and an extremely deep voice. I was hella scared. Then I took some step backs and bumped into the owl lady."
I sighed.

„You bumped into Eda?" Emira said smiling.

„You know her name???" I responded with a higher voice than usual.

„Of course. Edric helped her to boil a potion which he messed up." Emira glared at Edric, he looked down guilty.

„Also we spent some time with Luz in the snow and she was also there." Edric added, his expression changed back to his content self.

„And you! You never told me?!" I almost shouted.

„Why should we?" Emira laughed.

We all went silent as the twins stared at me with wide eyes.


„Pshh!" I jumped on both of them, pressed my two hands on their mouths as I sat on both their laps with each leg.

„I just met her okay. No idea who she is." I responded with a played annoyed tone even though I could feel the butterflies twirling trough my stomach.

„Well how come she's behind you then?" Emira said sharply.

Abruptly I turned around just to see nothing behind me.

„Oh shut up Em." I pulled my leg back from Emira to sit on only Edric's lap. Strangely he started blushing hard. And I started feeling something. I got off his lap as quick as I could blink.
„Goddamnit you freak, get some body control!" I laughed. He chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his neck.

„Well if you want to, we could bring you with us every time we hang out with Luz? But I can't promise you that Eda will be there every time as well." Emira offered to soothe the awkward atmosphere.

„Sounds like a good plan to me."

Edric stood up, rested his hands on his hips, striking a superhero pose.
„Now what about rushing trough the market, stealing some stuff and leave some fireworks in the name of gratitude?"

Of course we cheered him our agreement and ran trough the market together, stole some interesting products like a banana cracker, left fireworks which caused people to freak out and even took a picture for Pentagram with the guards in the background running towards us.
Emira posted it straight away.

Currently at the owl house

Luz was laying on the couch with King on her belly and scrolled trough Pentagram. Eda meanwhile sorted some newly bought Elixiers into the cabinets in the kitchen.

„Eda?" Luz yelled.

No response.

„EDAAAA?" Luz yelled again.

The owl lady strolled in her Pyjamas to the doorway slowly and tired. „Luz?"

„Did you see the Blight twins today? They were also at the night market and made some fireworks! Here, look!"
Luz sat up on the couch enthusiastically, King fell off her belly and she held the phone in Eda's direction.
„Luz! That was rude! I was about to fall asleep!" King complained and made himself comfortable on her lap instead.
„Sorry, King." she mumbled and stroke his back.

Eda walked some slow steps towards the screen and looked at the picture unimpressed. „No, I was already on my way back home in that time." Her golden eyes wandered to your face in the picture and her eyes widened up just a bit. „Who's that girl?"

„Oh, that's Y/n. Their best friend."

„You know her?" Eda asked curiously.

„Yes, she was there when I spent some time with the twins in the library." Luz smiled brightly.

„Hm, interesting." Eda mumbled.

„Why are you asking, Eda?" Luz wiggled with her eyebrows flirtatiously.

Eda lined a golden circle with her finger in the air and suddenly a pillow flew right into Luz's face, causing Eda to chuckle and snort once. „Goodnight, kid. I'm heading to bed. You should too."

„But it's weekend tomorrow!" Luz pouted.
„And we'll be busy working." Eda replied. Luz grumbled, carried King in her arms and also walked upstairs to go to sleep.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now