Pressed against the wall

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Her pupils dilated, her jaw dropped.
Red color spread across her pale cheeks.

I looked away, but still felt her burning gaze on me. Suddenly she started laughing hysterically and let go of me. I just stared at her in horror. At that moment I regretted telling her. Even she didn't take me seriously.

„That's why you were so interested in my personal life. You're just jealous of Raine."
She grinned widely. „It all makes sense now."

I still didn't look at her.

„But what doesn't make sense to me is how someone like you..."
I felt Eda's fingers on my chin, which she lifted so that our eyes would meet.

„Can fall in love with someone like me."

My head was burning with embarrassment and nervousness, but also excitement.

„You have no idea," I whispered, looking briefly at her lips and then back into her eyes.

„Do you feel different?" I asked shyly.

„I think it would be better if we rejoin the others."

I fell silent in my position and stared at her, my face pale.

Was that a rejection?

Eda turned around and took the first few steps ahead, but I immediately pulled her back and this time pinned her to the wall with her wrists pinned to the cold stone wall above her head.

„Tell me you don't want me as much as I want you right now and I'll stop."

Eda looked at me slightly surprised and her head was red. I couldn't quite interpret whether it was anger or excitement.

„You shouldn't have such a big mouth, young lady. Sometimes it's better to remain ignorant."

„Don't treat me like a child! And certainly not like one you look after!"

Eda looked speechless. „Does it really seem like I'm treating you like that?"

I let go of her, the situation was starting to get uncomfortable.

„Sometimes, I...I just don't want to be like the others for you."

Eda's eyes softened and she smiled slightly at me. „You are like no other. I told you, you are my new weakness. I meant every word I said that day." Now I smiled at her too.
Does she have feelings for me too?

Eda leaned a little closer to me and whispered in my ear „Since you remain stubborn and insist on my opinion, then my answer is yes. I would love to have you in my nest now, but as far as I'm concerned we could also do it here behind the shop."

I swallowed hard. I wouldn't have expected her to be so direct.

Eda giggled as if she saw my reaction coming.

„You should see yourself. Suddenly completely shy? You just had me pressed against the wall."


Eda placed her index finger on my lips. „Try again when you're ready."
She stuck out her tongue and left, but turned around as she walked and grinned mischievously at me.

How much I want this woman...

I followed her to the others. Meanwhile, Edric was standing next to Luz and King with two paper cups in his hands.

„One bubble juice for you."
He handed me the cup.
„Are you okay?" Edric asked worriedly.

I must have still looked very puzzled.
„Yeah, everything's fine, why?"

„You're bright red." Edric laughed.
Eda smiled at me and I could have sworn I saw a wink.

„It is hot."
I took the first sips of the sparkling bubble juice. I offered it to Eda. „Try it, it's really great." She nodded but didn't grab the cup herself, so I held it to her lips. She took a few sips and ran her tongue over her lips and her pointed golden tooth. My eyes followed her tongue and I noticed the butterflies rummaging around in my stomach again.

„Is it tasty?" I asked happily.
She leaned towards my ear. „Perhaps much better from your lips."
I blushed strongly and looked at her expectantly. „Find out."

„Not here, young lady."
„At home?" I asked mischievously.
„If you dare to leave with me after the concert, then maybe yes."

Eda...Eda...didn't reject me?? Did she just invite me over?

So I waited until the concert was completely over. To be honest I was already a bit drunk and I noticed Eda was too. She wasn't even allowed to fly anymore.

Raine came to us after their performance.
„You were great!" Luz said energetically.
Eda patted him on the shoulder. „That's my Rainstorm, you showed them all!" She ruffled their hair. „Thank you, thank you all for being here."
„Of course, we didn't want to miss it! Right Y/n?" Eda tried to bring me into the conversation.
„Yeah, it was really great."
Raine grinned happily. „It's late, when do you want to leave?"
„I'll take the kids home straight away."
„And I'll fly with you and stay with Eda the night." I looked at Edric, unsure about his reaction. He nodded slightly.
„It's a shame, I was planning on going to a bar, but I'll probably do it at another time."
„I can come with you. I still have time," said Edric. Raine seemed happy about it. „Good, then we both go."

Luz, King, Eda and I said goodbye to Edric and Raine and headed to the Owl House.

I thought about Eda's words the entire flight.
Would we make tonight a very special one?

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ