A dance with Eda Clawthorne

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Minutes later the main party started. There were snacks, music playing out loud and a ... dancing Hooty?
What is he doing there?

„Swing your hips Lulu!" he yelled to Lillith while swirling around his long formed body.

We laughed. Edric danced with Emira on the floor, Amity with Luz, Willow with Gus and King with Eda on the table. I stood there, watching in amusement until King signed me to come closer.
No no no I won't embarrass myself again in front of Eda!

I shook my head and also my hands to hint that I will not dance tonight. Somehow it didn't bother him and he stomped to me with Eda's hand in his hand.

„Come dance with us Y/n."

„Oh I can't dance" I admitted timidly.

Out of the blue Eda grabbed my hand, held it in hers and stepped with me on top of the table. „Do you see anyone in this room who can?"
I saw Emira and Edric behind Eda giving King a thumbs up and I narrowed my eyes at them. It was part of a plan.

At once slow dancing music began to play.

They can't be serious.

Edalyn gave me a warm smile and put her hands on my hips.
„Wrap your arms around my neck and I'll lead us."
I did as she said but wasn't able to look her in the eyes instead I looked down to my feet.
„See, you aren't worse than me."

„Eda, you stepped on my foot four times now. Are you sure that you should be taking the lead?" I giggled.

„I always take the lead" she confessed with a demanding tone in her voice.

This is it, I'm about to pass out

„You should relinquish the lead to me some time" I suggested in a friendly manner.

„In no universe will you take the lead over me" she stated dominantly and kept on trying to slow dance with me.

„But you keep hurting my foot!" I pouted.

„Cut it off then."
She grinned and I smiled. We held deep eye contact and I forgot everything around us, even that the song had already ended.

„Eda, can I ask you something?"

„Go on, little one."

„Don't call me that!"

„Why? Does it make you nervous?" she asked carefully slow and squeezed my hips cheekily.

I gasped and pressed my lips together.
„Stop that! I wanted to ask you if you really think that I'm being overdressed."

She started laughing and I glared at her strictly.

„You look great kiddo."
She patted my head while snorting.

Then I looked around and realised that the music had already stopped playing.

„Please don't tell me that you all overheard our conversation" I begged.

„Most of it" Emira said and shook her phone. We even got recorded.

I jumped off the table and ran to Emira. „Delete it!"

Eda also got off the table and stuffed some snacks into her mouth instead. She obviously had other priorities than caring.

„You'll thank me later for the video!" Emira yelled while fleeing from me.

„I said delete it!" I ran after her with a bright red head.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now