The morning after

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I still kept my eyes closed, but I realized from the brightness that it was morning. If not forenoon. I also felt a slight pressure around my waist, which made me open my eyes. As soon as I opened them I was startled because my eyes met Eda's, who was looking at me curiously with her golden shining eyes while her arm was around me.

„Good morning kid," she said much too energetic, as if she had been awake for a while. „Holy cannoli you scared me." I smiled and glanced to her arm around my waist. She noticed and pulled back. „I hope my arm didn't bother you. The night was a little colder than expected. I didn't want you to freeze." Now I put my arm gently around her hips. „It didn't bother me at all."

As I said this, I found a new emotion on Eda's face. It was something warm, some kind of affection. She coughed and shuffled back slightly. „Breakfast is ready downstairs, Luz is already out with her friends and the twins are still waiting eagerly for you in the kitchen. You better go there, otherwise the boy will eat the last of my...what do you call those? Pancakes."
I giggled. „You prepared pancakes?" I asked, completely surprised. „With Luz's help and some magic, yes."
Somewhat surprised that Eda would prepare human food, I left her nest and approached her bedroom door. I turned around, she was sitting cross-legged in the nest, her eyes on me. I smiled „How long can I stay?"
„As long as you want," she answered firmly. „But I have to go to the market in the afternoon. You could stay here and guard the house, keep Hooty and Lillith some company." She said it with a little amusement in her tone, as if the idea of ​​leaving me here alone with the two of them was fun to her.

„I'll think about it," I mumbled with a smile and went out of the room, down the stairs to the others in the kitchen. I spotted Edric sitting on a counter, popping two pancakes into his mouth. „Good morning, sleepyhead." I turned my head in Emira's direction. „Good morning Em."
I went to the cupboards, got out a plate, a knife and a fork and some pancakes. At least as much as was left. „These are really good!" said Edric, although you could only hear a few muffled sounds because he was still munching. „I didn't know Eda knew what I liked to eat." I grinned and felt some warmth in my cheeks. „She didn't know that. She asked me. In a slightly strange way, but we're talking about Eda." Emira laughed.

Flashback to this morning when you were still sleeping

Emira was lying on the couch, drooling, her position looked a bit uncomfortable. The wood of the stairs began to crack and quiet complaints about the material could be heard. Emira woke and sat up. She looked at the stairs and recognized Eda. „Good morning," Emira whispered.
„Good morning, you...come here." Em smiled and accompanied Eda into the kitchen. „Is Y/n upstairs with you?" Emira asked, a little worried since she hadn't seen you all night. „Yes, still sleeping soundly."
Some silence filled the room. „I'm going to make breakfast now," Eda said roughly, as if she had to convince herself. She cleared her throat. „You and Y/n are good friends."
Emira spoke in between, „Best friends!"
Eda smiled „Best friends. So what does she she eats like any other human, right?"
„Yes, humans all eat the same, some more, some less." Emira didn't quite know what Eda was trying to say. „Maybe it would be smarter to get Luz. Can you please get Luz?" Now Eda even seemed a bit stressed. Emira nodded and just a few seconds later she came back with Luz rubbing her eyes. „Good morning."
„Good morning Luz. I hope you slept well?" Luz nodded, but yawned again. „Luz, you are a human child and Emira, you know Y/n best. What would she like for breakfast? I'm asking for a human meal."

End of Flashback

Emira smiled at me amused after telling me the story. „I think she likes you too," Emira giggled softly. „PSHHH!" I gave her a gentle push. „She probably just wanted to be nice."
„Yeah, yeah, she makes extra breakfast, which happens to be your favorite. A pure act of kindness. When are you going to tell her?"

We got interrupted.
„Tell me what?" Eda asked interestedly as she strolled into the kitchen.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means Passionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن