Part 2

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Pity. Everyone pities me, but they don't really care. I have changed too. I have to work to take care of Kennadi, I barely see my friends, and I'm always preparing myself for something to happen. I guess you can say that I am paranoid, I haven't slept well in three weeks.

"Clarke, you need to calm down, kennadi is safe and you need some time for yourself," Octavia sighs as we wait for our food. She made me come to a local diner with her for some reason.

"I don't want her to get hurt," I reply.

"She will be fine. We all miss you, we used to be together almost twenty four seven," O says.

"Fine. I'll hang out with you guys more, but we have to have fun. Like partying, trips, amusement parks, everything," I smirk.

"There's my Clarke," she smiles. Just then a bunch of boys from the football team walk in. Bellamy Blake makes eye contact with me and heads towards me and his sister.

"Hello ladies. Great to see you out Clarke," he smiles genuinely, " my offer still stands from the football game."

With that he walked back with his friends, leaving Octavia to question me.

"What does he mean?" She asks immediately.

"He wanted to go on a date," I reply awkwardly.

Octavia chokes on her drink," Bellamy... Date!"

"Yeah, is that weird?" I ask, laughing at her facial expression.

"Yeah, Bellamy usually screws, then leaves. Nothing more, nothing less," she answers.

"Well, it'll have to wait, because we are going somewhere tomorrow," I reply. O smiles and texts the group.

"Wanna go to the fair? Its the last week," she asks and I nod.

Everything is well until the nervousness comes back, and I feel like someone is watching me.


My trainer left an hour ago, leaving me to do whatever I want. I punch the punching bag violently, occasionally stopping to wiow sweat from my forehead. Its at least midnight, and I have school tomorrow.

"Clarke," Kennadi interrupts.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"Me, Octavia told me about you," my trainer walks back in behind my sister.

"How?" I ask, out of breath.

"She is my girlfriend. We never got to meet after... Nevermind. But go home," he tells me. I grab my phone and stomp past them to my car. I just want to keep everyone safe.

Kennadi hops in after me and I drive towards the house. I start to panic when a car appears driving slowly behind us.

"They aren't following us," Kennadi sighs," other people can drive on this road too." I don't get how she doesn't care that we are in danger, that we could die anytime.

My phone rings and I answer it," hello?"

"Clarke! School is canceled for some reason again, want to go to the lake before the fair tomorrow?" O asks. I got worried

"Yeah, sure. I have to go sleep now," I fake yawn.

"Oh sorry!" She exclaims and hangs up.

"Clarke, we passed the driveway," Kennadi says and I slam on my brakes. The car had stopped a street before us.

We finally get into the house, and I head for the kitchen. We haven't eaten in a while.

"Finally, I need food," Kennadi snickers. I smile as I get out the stuff to make us tacos.

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