Part 12

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Dinosaur chicken nuggets are the bomb. Sorry for the interruption, carry on. PrincessSaidNo I thought of you.

We buried Kennadi with my mom. I had been spending a lot of time at their graves, sitting in silence. Being alone have me time to think about what my life has become.

I thought my dad was dead, but he isn't. I thought that Bellamy killed him and my mother, and I still forgave him. I let my little sister go on a suicide mission and I never got to say goodbye. Maybe it's better that way.

I dropped out of highschool and the FBI is going to make my life something I never wanted it to be. Maybe I'll be a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, I can be anything. But my life will never be normal because of Bellamy Blake.

I know he did it to protect Octavia, but I can't let him off that easy. Letting him go is painful, considering the fact that I loved him. No, I love him. I still do, but I can't stay with him.

"It isn't safe to sit out here alone all day," a voice says from behind me. I turn around to see a young girl leaving against a tree, " some freak could come along and kill you."

"How do I know you won't?" I ask.

"Maybe I will. Who knows. I'm Lexa," she smiles.

"Clarke," I reply cautiously.

"So, why have you been out here the past week?" She asks.

"Have you been watching me?" I ask.

"Can't answer a question with another question," she says.

"My sister and mother were both murdered, and I'm here to visit them," I reply," why are you even here?"

"I don't know. My junkie friends get high in the woods over there," Lexa points down a hill," and I'm a chauffeur for them, I guess."

"That's nice," I say as I stand up.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," she calls as I start to walk away.

"Don't bet on it," I call back.


"So, I have to take a years worth of classes for a month and I get my highschool degree?" I ask.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Kane asks.

"Whatever, I'll come back tomorrow and start," I say," not in the mood today."

"Jaha wants to make you a doctor, like your mom!" Kane calls out behind me.

"My mom wasn't a doctor, she was an FBI agent," I frown," and why do you get to choose my life?"

"Your a witness, it's how it works," Kane sighs," and she was. Do you think they let her sit around all day? Your mom saved lives."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, Kane. It's done, it's over," I say. I push past him out of the door, ignoring everyone I pass. When I make it to my car, I just sit there in silence.

Bellamy's POV

Waking up in an actual bed was great. I hadn't slept in a few days. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and trudhe downstairs.

"Hey Bell," Octavia says over a mouthful of cereal. Wells was writing some kind of list with Jake and Lincoln was trying not to laugh at octavia's facial expressions as she ate.

"Where's Clarke?" I ask as I sit next to my sister.

"She hasn't been here a lot of you haven't noticed," Wells starts," she went to start her classes today."

"And I'm back. I couldn't listen to Kane complain anymore," she mutters as she enters the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. She pushes past me towards the fridge.

"I'm okay," she says. She grabs a bottle of water and walks out of the room. Her dad sighs and follows her out.

Clarke's POV

"Clarke, stop," my dad grabs my arm as I leave the house again," you need to stop pushing everyone out. Kennadi was my daughter, you aren't the only one who lost her."

"It isn't Kennadi, dad!" I exclaim," I can't look at Bellamy the same anymore! He killed mom and almost you!"

"Fine, don't think of him the same. Don't take your emotions out on everyone else Clarke! You need to let him go, your a kid," my dad says. I sigh and his arm falls to his side.

"Take me back home," I say," if I want to start over, I want to go home."

"Arcadia?" He asks.

"No, Phoenix."


Again I'm at the cemetery, but this time I'm with my dad. I put two roses on their graves, a small smile on my face," they're safe now."

"Let's go home," dad says and we start walking. I remember that I set my phone down near the graves, so I stop abruptly.

"I forgot my phone, I'm going to go grab it quick," I sigh and my dad nods. I walk fastly back towards the graves, bending down and picking up my phone. I turn to walk back towards my dad, but a hand goes over my mouth and a gun is pressed to my head. The person starts to drag me out of the cemetery as I kick and scream. A rag is pressed against my mouth and nose and I start to feel woozy.

"Sorry I had to do this Clarke, but your sister killing Anya wasn't a joke."

Bellamy's POV

Octavia forced me to go out and buy her McDonalds. Typical Octavia...

When I walk through the door, two bags of fatty food in my hands, I see my sister sitting on the couch, her eyes red and puffy.

"What's wrong?" I ask and set the food down on the coffee table.

"Clarke left," she replies.

"She left?" I ask," after all that happened, she just walked away?"

"Yes Bellamy! She was one of my best friends and now she's gone! I only have you, Lincoln, and Raven now! No one else understands!" She exclaims and starts to cry again. I pull her into a hug, rage building up inside me.

Clarke left us. She pretended like it was all okay and left. She didn't even say goodbye...

"Come on, I bought you chicken nuggets," I smile slightly, trying to change the subject," they even had dinosaur ones."

"I love dinosaur chicken nuggets," Octavia giggles," screw Clarke. I can eat thse chicken nuggets with you and Lincoln."


"Hello?" I answer my phone still half asleep.

"We've got your princess. Just wanted to let you say bye," the voice chuckles.

"God damn it Clarke!" I exclaim," I know how this works out, its cliche. I come and you take me instead of Clarke."

"No, not exactly," the person replies," if you kill Jake Griffin, we'll let her go. If not, she's dead and so is he."

I know I'm pissed at Clarke, but I obviously don't want her to die. I still felt something for her, especially after all that happened.

"Fine. It'll be done in less than a week. Bring Clarke to her old house in Arcadia, I'll meet you there," I say and hang up. Why the hell did everyone always have to get kidnapped by these assholes, and why did someone always have to die to get them back?

"Octavia," I say as I burst into her room. I'm glad that Lincoln wasn't staying here anymore, but now be would be that the reapers are back up again.

"What?" She snaps," I'm sleeping."

"The reapers have Clarke and they want me to kill her dad to get her back."

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