Part 7

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We don't give into their torture. No matter how much one of us is hurting, we don't give in. We need to protect everyone, we have to protect them. Octavia sits next to me, tears silently rolling down her cheeks. I'm trying to pick the lock of my handcuffs with a bobby pin.

"They're watching us," she sniffles," if you get lose, they'll stop you."

"I know what I'm doing," I reply. The lock clicks open but I sit there, my hands holding the cuffs on. Wait until they come.

"Thirsty, ladies?" Murphy asks as he enters the room.

"Not as much as you," Octavia spits. I have to stifle a laugh at her comment.

"Fuck you Blake. Your brother is going to kill me when he finds out I'm in on this, might as well have my fun while I can," he snickers and pulls O up, turning her so she is pressed against the wall. She whimpers as his hands start to make their way down to her butt. She tries to kick him but he dodges it, stepping back.

"You whore," he snarls and pulls her hair," don't try anything again."

Octavia looks at me and shakes her head. I sigh and eye up the table where that Trevor guy had left on of those shocker things. Maybe he did it on purpose. But I can't let Murphy touch her.

I go for the table as fast as I can and Murphy turns, shocked. Octavia takes that moment to kick him to the ground and I shock him with the wand. He pulls out a gun but O knocks it out of his hands. I shock him again and he passes out- I hope he's passed out. I quickly pick the lock on O's cuffs and she grabs the gun.

"Let me," I say and she hands it to me. We make it down the hallway without anyone crossing our paths. Then up the stairs, down two more hallways, and no people. They're letting us go or leading us to something.

"This isn't right," Octavia says as we approach the door. I almost peed myself I'm this place, it was terrifying.

"You're right. If you go out that door you'll be shot on sight," Trevor says as he walks around the corner," you're lucky I came now."

"What do you want from us?" I ask.

"We want Jaha dead. And you're going to do it," he replies.

"No," I choke out. Octavia grabs my hand.

"It's either him or Bellamy," Trevor leans against the wall," and we both know who you care more about."

Bellamy's POV

I sigh and stand up from my bed. I have to save Octavia and Clarke.

"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Meet me at the address I texted you or Octavia dies," a voice growls and then the line goes dead. I put on shoes quickly and run downstairs.

"Give me your keys," I say to Lincoln.

"No way," Lincoln replies," why anyways?"

"Octavia," Is all I have to say for him to follow me out of the door. We pull into a dark alley- very cliche- to see two people blindfolded and gagged.

"Don't hurt her," I rush towards the people but Lincoln holds me back.

"Leave with them and make sure Clarke fulfills her task," Trevor says.

"Why are you letting us go?" I ask.

"We don't want problems. We want him dead," Trevor replies.

"Jaha," Lincoln mutters. They push one of the girls forwards and I catch her in my arms.

"Give us Clarke," I spit.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting there," Trevor chuckles and shoves Clarke forwards. Octavia is clinging onto Lincoln and I pull Clarke to the car.

"Wells is going to hate me," she cries.

"Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different people. He'll understand," I try to reassure her. But she's right. If she kills his father, Wells will hate her.

After a long, silent - besides Clarke's sobbing- car ride, we make it back to the house. Outside there are FBI agents stationed and even more inside. They pull Clarke away for 'questioning' and I'm ready to kill them. She wouldn't even tell me anything, they aren't getting it out of her easily.

Clarke's POV

"Did you tell them anything?" The man asks for maybe the one hundreth time. I stay silent, looking at my feet," god damnit, what did you say!"

"Enough," the person I was despising seeing the most says," leave her alone."

"Marcus," I gulp.

"Hello Clarke," he smiles," it's been a long time."

"Too long," I frown. I have two weeks. Two weeks to kill Jaha, or else Bellamy dies. I have to tell Kane.

"I'm sorry about your mother," he apologizes.

"It's fine. I'm worried about Kennadi," I sigh.

"She was fighting them to see you. She really cares about you Clarke."

"Do you think I don't know that?" I spit," she's my sister."

"Yes, but she's talking to someone who she shouldn't be," Kane starts to inform me.

"Trent Collins. Him and his brother are no good," I finish.

"Their father was loyal to the reaper gang," Kane says," I'm not suprised they followed in his footsteps."

"Bellamy was too," I whisper," he killed my parents. But I forgave him. He did it for his sister. You have to stop them. Or else I have to kill Jaha. I have two weeks to kill him."

"I'll keep it quiet for you. I cant stop them, so do what you have to. But you have to do something for me," Kane sighs," kill Wells."


If Wells doesn't die then the reapers will blow up the biggest mall in America, killing everyone inside. How? No one knows how they will pull it off, but we all know they aren't joking. Kane says that Jaha knows the deal but is fighting against it. No one would expect him to murder his own son.

I walk down the stairs, immediately engulfed in a hug. I burry my head in my sisters shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore," I sniffle," I can't do what they want me to."

"Listen to me. You're strong, you can survive this and go back to a normal life. You can become a surgeon like mom wanted you to, you can do whatever you want. Just be strong for me. For Octavia and Wells, be strong for Bellamy," Kennadi sighs. I look over her shoulder and see Wells and his father laughing. I have to kill them both.

"Clarke?" Octavia asks. I see a scar forming on her temple, one of the many from the torture she went through. Octavia is so innocent, she doesn't deserve this life.

"I'm sorry," Clarke sobs into Octavia's embrace," I should have stopped them."

"It was either a few cuts or someone's life," Octavia reassures me.

"You have no idea."

Bellamy's POV

I watch Clarke as she sits on the back deck, her knees pulled up to her chest. After they came back, she had been acting awfuly distant. Octavia and Kennadi told him to give her some distance, to let her get over it on her own. But I hated seeing Clarke like this. She didn't deserve to be in so much pain.

I needed to leave. They would chase m and leave Clarke alone. I don't have a choice.

Hey guys, read my one shots book! Bellarke, linctavia, and wicken are included in it!!!

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