Part 14

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I've been a true suck up to Lexa. Convincing her I like her is the only way to get out of here. If I didn't know what she did with her life and that she was holding me responsible for the deaths of those two girls, I would think she was a nice person.

Two days ago I told Bellamy that I was pregnant and I still don't know how to react. I didn't even take any kind of pregnancy test, but it was obvious that I was. I was laying on the small bed that I was provided, clutching my stomach. I can't raise a baby in here, there is no way that is happening.

"Miss Griffin," a gruff voice says as the door opens," you're needed in the conference hall."

I sigh and stand up, wincing at the ache in my back. I trudge out of the room and follow the guy down the hall.

When I enter the room, I am met with a large table with two people sitting at it- Lexa and her assistant, Indra.

I sit down across from them, worried about what is going to happen next.

"Good morning Clarke," Lexa smiles," sorry we woke you so early."

"No, it's fine. I was already awake," I smile.

"We have a deal," Indra says.

"If you stay here with us, we will end this, stop the killing- there isn't a point, except I'm carrying on Anya's orders. You tell them to leave Indra and I out of this and we'll disappear... But you have to come with," Lexa says.

"Why me?" I ask. Lexa nods at Indra and she gets up, leaving me alone with Lexa.

"I'm falling for you Clarke. I know you were with Bellamy and all, and the fact that you're carrying his child, but we can have a life together," Lexa sighs. I have to get out of here.

"You're right. We can turn this into something. On one term," I say," let me see Bellamy, my dad, Octavia, and Wells one more time. Then we can go off to wherever you wish."


I can't run for it- the reapers are watching me. I walk up to the house silently, pausing when I approach the door. I knock shortly, waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Oh my- Clarke!" Octavia exclaims and pulls me into a hug. I smile and hug her back, closing the door quickly. They are listening to everything I say, so I can't tell them my plan.

"Clarke?" Bellamy asks. I know I was pissed at him before this, but what's done is done. I need to forgive him- he had to protect Octavia, and I realized that now. He was doing what he thought was right. I throw my arms around his neck, a tear escaping my eye," you're back."

"Not for long," I say," the reapers are... Surrendering. We need Jaha and Kane to come over here, I don't have a lot of time."

"You're leaving? Why?" Bellamy ask," we have a lot to talk about."

"I have to save you all," I whisper," I have to save our baby. Where's my dad?"

"With Kane and Jaha actually," Bellamy says. I brush past him into the kitchen and grab a pen and a piece of paper.

Going off with their leader, convincing her that I like her, then I'll be back. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Worry about Octavia. I'll be back before the baby is born.- I write.

Bellamy looks at me as if he is confused, but then sighs, his gaze going towards my stomach.

"So, our baby is in there?" He ask innocently.

"Yeah, Bell, our baby is in there," I laugh. I look down at the watch they forced me to wear, I have twenty minutes.

"Sounds like they're here," he mutters and leads me out into the living room.

"Dad," I smile as he engulfs me in a hug.

"Clarke, I know now isn't the time, but you're in trouble," he frowns," you are eighteen and you're pregnant-"

"I can't stay for long, it's part of the deal," I cut him off.

"What deal?" Kane asks.

"Part of the deal that shuts down the reapers," I reply," if you let the leader, her assistant, and I go, they'll turn the others in and shut it all down."

"How can we believe you?" Jaha asks.

"Do you think I would let more people get killed?" I ask and he nods approvingly.

"Fine, when do we talk to this leader?" He asks.

"Never, I'm here in her behalf. Trust me, please," I practically beg.

"We believe you," Kane says," I'm glad you're willing to do this Clarke."

"Anything for my baby," I say confidently. Both of the men loin suprised, but Kane looks back and forth and Bellamy and I until realization hits him," no more killing or fighting, it's all over as long as you both say you agree."

"I agree," Kane says firmly.

"I agree," Jaha sighs.

"I can't stay for much longer," I say, tears forming in my eyes," I love you Octavia, take care of Bellamy for me, he's a trouble maker."

Octavia laughs," I love you too. I know we didn't know each other that long, but we've been through so much together. I'll miss you."

"Dad," I smile sadly as I start to cry," I missed you so much, now I have to leave you again."

"It's okay baby, I'll be here for you no matter what. But Bellamy is getting his ass kicked for knocking up my daughter," he grumbles.

I've never been the one for sappy goodbye's, but if I screw up I'll never see Bellamy, Octavia, or my dad again.

"I love you," I say and kiss Bellamy," don't forget that, ever. I promise out child will live a good life."

"I love you too," he whispers," may we meet again."

"May we meet again."

We were on the roads for hours. Almost a day and a half, including all of the stops when I had to pee, I was hungry, or I felt like I was going to get sick.

Lexa leads me towards a giant house. She flings open the door, smiling at an older man.

"How's my little girl?" The man smiles and hugs Lexa. Indra greets the man quietly and brushes past them," who's this?"

"My friend Clarke Griffin," Lexa emphasizes my last name.

"The daughter of the traitor? Hopefully she isn't anything like her father," the man sighs," nice to meet you Clarke, I'm Brian, Lexa's father. Darling, will you lead Clarke to the guest room?"

Lexa smiles and leads me up to the guest room. I guess her dad is part of the reapers and stole a bunch of money, because no normal person could afford a house like this.

"If you need anything, I'll be down the hall on the second door to the right," she says," and Clarke... I'm sorry it had to go down like this. I want you to be happy, but I can't let you be with Bellamy Blake."

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