Part 10

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Clarke's POV

Today was the day the plan went into action.

We were supposed to bring Jaha and Bellamy to the same place and trade off. Thalia and her friends put camera's up to capture everything they said- so they can get arrested and this shit can be over. My dad would come in with the FBI, thanks to Lincoln, and they would save Jaha. The hard part was getting Bellamy. I had to do it with the help of Thalia's friend Glass and Octavia.

I was supposed to come only with Jaha, but I'm sure they know I'm bringing backup.

"Clarke, we can figure this-" Jaha starts.

"I'm not handing you over you idiot. So shut up an go with it," I sigh. I stop the car and Octavia and I get Jaha out. Glass was supposed to be hidden here in the air vents already.

"I thought I said come alone," Trevor says as I walk into the building.

"I thought we both agreed on coming alone," I gesture towards the two huge guys holding Bellamy. He was gagged and had a blindfold, but I saw him tense at my voice.

"I guess we both can't keep promises," Trevor smirks," now, let's talk terms."

"I thought it was I give you Jaha, you give me Bellamy, and we all walk and never bother each other again," I frown.

"We want your dad. Your boyfriend was a bad shot, and we wanted him dead," Trevor crosses his arms.

"My dad is dead," I lie.

"We all know that isn't true," Trevor replies.

"He isn't here," I swallow.

"Yeah, just like your friend isn't hidden in the vents? We know she's there," Trevor replies. I use my free hand to squeeze a small button they gave me, signaling for then to come.

"I just want Bellamy. No one gets hurt. Let her leave," I say.

"I can't do that," he says and gestures for them to pull Bellamy forwards.

"What do you want from me?" I ask desperately.

"Your father, Clarke," he says. Bellamy is only a few feet in front of me now. I give Glass the signal- brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. She is supposed to shoot the guards holding Bellamy when the FBI arrived.

The first gunshot catches us all of guard. The man falls to the ground and Bellamy struggles against the grip of the other one. As the second gunshot rings through the air, a bunch of people come in, guns up and ready to fire. I pull Bellamy and Octavia behind a large structure as they all start shooting at each other. I untie Bellamy's gag and blindolfd as quick as I can.

"Run to the car, and leave," I order.

"I'm not leaving you here!" Bellamy yells over all of the noise.

"Please go, go find Kennadi and get her out of here," I practically beg.

Octavia pulls me in for a quick hug, tears in her eyes. I smile sadly at her as Bellamy hugs me. I pull bacm but he pulls me closer again, his lips against mine.

"I love you, Clarke," he says. With that, he gets up and drags Octavia towards the car. This has to work.

I move from my hiding spot and pull the gun out of the waistband of my pants. Trevor is trying to get out, but I will kill him even if it kills me. All of the FBI people have gas masks and they are throwing some kind of bombs. Great.

My vision starts to blurr as I lift up my gun and aim it towards Trevor. One shot, missed. Another shot, missed. The third shot goes off before I even realize I pulled the trigger, and Trevor slumps to the ground. I attempt to pull myself away through the clouds of gas, my eyes and legs failing me. I barely feel it when the bullet hits my side, only the ring of the gunshot and the small burning sensation alerting me that it happened.

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