Part 13

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Bellamy's POV

I walked quietly downstairs, my gun in hand. There was a loud crash and I didn't want to risk anything- even though it was probably Octavia eating in the middle of the night.

When I turn into the kitchen I am tackled and a knife is held to my throat. I see Jake Griffin above me, a look of regret in his eyes.

"Wait!" I yell quietly.

"I have to save Clarke," he replies and presses the knife harder against my throat.

"They said I had to kill you to save her," I say and he pulls the knife away.

"They contacted you and you didn't tell me?" He asks and stands up. He offers his hand and helps pull me up.

"Bellamy, if you are eating my chicken nuggets, I swear I will- hey Mr. Griffin?" Octavia says.

"We are getting Clarke back without killing anyone, okay?"

Clarke's POV

It's been a few days since I was kidnapped. Lexa said it was because the FBI was responsible for the death of Anya and some girl named Costia. They've been treating me really good surprisingly, but I don't want to be here. If I even think about escaping, they'll probably shoot me on sight.

"Good morning Clarke," Lexa smiles. I ignore her and stare at the ceiling," of course you're mad. I kidnapped you."

"No, I'm mad because you don't have smiley face fries here," I say, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"Listen, I like you Clarke. If I could, I'd let you go, but I have to do what my people think is right," Lexa sighs as she sits next to me.

"If you like me, let me talk to my dad," I say.

"I'll give you two minutes and it has to be on speaker," she replies," let's go."

She leads me down the hall and into her office type room, dialing his number and putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" My father says.

"Dad? It's Clarke," I say.

"Clarke? Are you okay? Did you escape? Are they hurting you?" He asks. I swear I hear Bellamy and Octavia in the background.

"I'm fine. Don't do anything stupid, don't come after me," I say.

"Clarke, leaving you there is stupid!" I hear Bellamy yell.

"Listen, coming here... They'll kill you. They just want to prove a point, I'll be fine. You have to trust me," I sigh. Lexa holds up a finger, signalling that I have a minute left.

"They're going to kill you," my dad says," I can't let them."

"If you come after me, I'll kill you myself. I have to go, I love you," I say, my voice cracking.

"I love you-" he's cut off when Lexa hangs up the phone.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"We can't let you off easy, Clarke, I'm sorry."


It has been three weeks. They haven't come after me yet- which is good, but makes me feel like they don't care. Clarke, you told them not to.

I've been trying to grow close to Lexa. She seems to like me a lot and is letting me do more and more every day.

"So, why are you letting me sit here and annoy you all day while you are giving people commands to kill other people?" I ask as I spin around in Lexa's chair.

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