Part 16

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Lexa forced me to eat. I didn't know what they could have done to the food. I was laying in bed, not able to sleep. I sneak out past Lexa and Indra, walking quietly down the hall. I was studying the map they gave us, so I know where I went yesterday. I was headed back there now.

I peak into the window, flinching at the sight in front of me. The people in the hazmac suits were taking blood out of people, the tubes leading to the ceiling. What could they need it for?

"You aren't supposed to be down here," a voice says from behind me. I snap around to see a young girl standing with her arms crossed.

"What are they doing?" I ask.

"Come here," she motions for me to come forwards," they don't have cameras on this level."

"They are experimenting. I don't know what for, but they are killing person after person, draining them of their blood and giving it to the injured. The people they experiment on are from the outside. The criminals they let in here- they are different. A lot of us were born in here and our bodies aren't as strong as yours. Clarke, you need to get out of here."

"Why are you telling me this? And how do you know me?" I ask.

"I don't agree with it. And everyone knows you now," she whispers and she ushers me down the hall," go back to your room and don't leave until I walk by tomorrow morning."


Lexa and Indra went off somewhere early this morning and the girl Maya just left. She was never able to access the room where the blood is led to, so she wants me to do it for her.

I hold the glass in my hand, barely pressing it against my skin. Should I really do this? Probably. But do I want to risk being caught? Yeah, might as well. I push the glass deep into my arm, crying out slightly as the blood starts to poor from my wound. I stand up and leave the room, making my way to find Dr. Tsing.

"Nice to see you- what happened?" Dr. Tsing asks as I enter the makeshift hospital.

"I fell," I answer.

"Sit down," she leads me to a bed. She grabs a needle and plunges it next to the open wound. I start to feel dizzy as she stitches up the cut. My arm is numb, so I don't feel any of the pain," all done. I need to check up on the baby, so you need to stay here for a while."

"Mhm," I yawn, laying back into the pillows. Clarke, focus!

"I have to go do something quickly, I'll be back in ten minutes," doctor Tsing says and rushes out of the room. I stand up shakily, barely keeping my balance. I stumble towards the vent that Maya wanted me to climb through, but someone grabs my arm.

"Sit down," they say, leading me back towards the bed. I plop down and put my head in my hands. My vision was just starting to clear again and when it did, I think my heart stopped.

"Kennadi?" I choke out.



"I don't know what to tell you. These people are freaks," Kennadi shrugs," I'm alive. Mom's alive. I don't know where she is, but she's alive. They are using the blood and- I don't know, bringing people back to life with it?"

"This doesn't make any sense. They are killing people to save others? I'm glad to see you obviously, but why are they doing it?" I sigh.

"I told you, I don't know. Just like I didn't know you were... Well-" Kennadi chokes.

"Pregnant," I finish," yeah... Bellamy and I- it's a long story."

"And you strolled in here with the people who tried to kill me," she frowns," I'm feeling the love, Clarke."

"It's all part of a plan. A plan that failed. Now the plan is to ditch this place as soon as possible," I reply.

"That's nearly impossible. Sorry," Kennadi says," unless we have help from the outside. Like-"



"Clarke?" A voice says from behind me. I freeze and turn around, ready to mutter some kind of lie. I'm on a restricted level right now, and if I get caught I'm screwed," what are you- how?

"Glass," I sigh.

"Stupid assholes brought me here after the shooting, way back when we didn't know Lexa existed. That whore-" Glass rants.

"I'm here with her," I frown.

"You betrayed them for her?" She asks, astonished.

"Let's talk somewhere else, some other time. I have something I need to do," I say and start to walk away. I hear footsteps behind me and a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm coming with you," Glass says," and you can't stop me. And I know where everything is already, so... Where are we going?"

Bellamy's POV

The next few days without Clarke are brutal. Well, it has been weeks, but we are barely coping. Everything is 'normal' now. They gave me a job- a guard. Super fun...- and made Octavia go back to school. Jake has earned his position as an agent again, and Jaha is doing everything be can to keep us busy.

"You've been at it for five hours Blake," Jake sighs. I stop hitting the punching bag and turn to face him. I wasn't sure how long he was watching or what he saw," time to give it up."

"I'm fine," I mutter, wiping sweat off of my forehead.

"No you aren't, everyone knows that. You have to deal with the pain sometimes, Bellamy," Jake replies.

"I thought you would be more pissed about the fact that I got your daughter pregnant," I scoff," I let her go with that bitch, who knows what will happen to her."

"She decided for herself to save everyone else. Would you have rather watched your sister die? All of these innocent people die? Would you want to watch Clarke die? She can handle herself," he says," now let's go, your sister is probably worried about you."


I went to find my badge, which I think I left in the communication center. I was just about to leave when one of the radios turned in.

"That isn't weird," I mumble and go to turn it off. I stop when I hear a voice sputtering through.

"Mount weather communications... Need help..." The signal goes in and out. Mount weather? That's some kind of military base in the middle of no where that was supposedly abandoned years ago," come as quick... Clarke signing..."

The signal was lost and all of the radios go dead. My heart feels like its in my throat. Is Clarke in Mount weather?

Okay so school started for me and I have field hockey everyday and I take all honors classes, so updates are going to be slow. Sorry.

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