Part 8

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"I can't kill them," I whisper.

"You do what you have to," Kennadi sighs.

"I'm not killing them!" I shout. Wells looks at me, completely confused," its a freaking game!"

"Nice cover-up smartass," Kennadi grumbles.

"Watch your mouth," I tell her.

"Where's Bell?" Octavia asks as she walks down the stairs, Lincoln right behind her.

"Not sure," I shrug," I thought he was upstairs."

"He isn't there," Octavia says," shit."

"Do you know where he could've went?" Lincoln asks.

"That dumbass," Octavia mumbles," he left, he went to them. To practically 'sacrifice ' himself. "

"We have to go after him," I say, standing up quickly.

"No," Wells argues.

"I can't let him die!" I exclaim.

"Wells, listen. He is my brother, my only family. We can't let him get himself killed," Octavia grabs Wells' face in her hands," we are going after him."

"If you do, he will still die, along with the rest of you," Wells pushes Octavia away.

"If you touch me one more time, I'm going to-" Octavia starts but Lincoln pulls her away," let go of me!"

"Fine. You don't have to come, but I'm going to get him back, with it without you," I say, walking towards the door. Octavia follows close behind, Wells chasing after us.


I have one week to kill Jaha. Three days to kill Wells. He is sitting next to me, staring out of the window. Octavia knows the deal, she overheard Kane.

I look back at Octavia when we stop at a red light. We both glance at Wells and she nods.

"You have to," she mouths.

I stop in front of Murphy's house, jumping out of the car. I make sure I have my knife and gun and make my way towards the door.

"Can I help you?" A woman answers the door.

"I'm here to see John," I tap my foot.

"Are you?" She asks, looking back quickly," come in."

"Bring him here," I order.

"I can't do that honey," she smiles. I can see right through her act.

"Fine, take me to him," I spit, pulling my gun out and pressing it against her head.

"I thought I told you not to- Clarke?" Murphy shoots up from the couch quickly. If these people weren't invloved with a gang, I would think they'd be a decent family.

"Where's Bellamy?" I choke on my words. I have the gun pressed up against the lady's head, and I'm guessing it is his mom.

"What do you mean?" He asks, walking closer.

"Don't come closer, or else she's dead," I say. Murphy stops abruptly.

"Don't do this, I'll take you to him," he takes a small step closer.

"Stop walking!" I shout, a tear rolling down my cheek," where is Bellamy?"

Murphy looks around nervously. I keep my eyes trained on him.

"Please don't hurt her," he whispers.

"I gave you a chance," I whisper," I'm asking you one more time? Where is he?"

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