Part 4

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1 week later, Clarke's POV

You would think I would've been caught, but Lincoln covered it up. Hid the fact that I killed a living human. Putting something so big at the back of your mind isn't easy, and I am learning that the hard way.

Bellamy-being the stubborn ass he already is- wouldn't let Kennadi and I go home. At school, everyone pretends like it didn't happen... except Finn. He hates me for saving his life. Monty and Jasper haven't picked up on any of it yet, thankfully.

"We can't let any of this ruin our year, Clarke," Octavia sighs as we do our homework in her room.

"I know O, but stuff like can't just brush it off," I reply. She nods as she finishes some kind of math equation.

"We need to have fun. Last year, it was all that I did. I didn't care about any of this. I barely even knew what I was involved in," Octavia says as she rolls onto her back,"speaking about fun, semi is in three weeks!"

"Yeah O, that is everyone's vision of a good time," I laugh and Octavia sends me a glare.

"I already have a date," she smirks.

"I don't think the school is going to allow 20 year old FBI agents into out semi," I say.

"Not Lincoln. Atom," She replies.

"Bellamy is gonna kill him when he finds out," I warn.

"Bellamy is an asshole. He barely even lets me near guys. The only reason that I am aloud with Lincoln is because Bell is scared shitless of him," She laughs.

"Where's Kennadi?" I ask randomly.

"Umm... so not with a guy...pftt, no," O stutters.

"Octavia, you did not let Kennadi go to some random boys house," I frown.

"You sound like Bellamy," She teases, trying to change the subject.

"I'm gonna beat that girls ass," I scoff and close my textbook. I was done anyways, "I'm going to make something to eat, what do you want?"

"I don't know, anything. Just not pizza. We've had pizza for five days straight," O groans. I nod and leave her room, jumping as I bump into Bellamy.

"Princess," Bellamy says as he puts on his infamous smirk.

"Bell," I smile, knowing he hates being called that.

"I'm going to make dinner, want something?" He asks.

"I was just about to do that," I answer and follow him downstairs.


"Never have I ever... Kissed someone older than 30," I say and Bellamy takes a shot, swallowing it quickly.

"Long story for another time. Never have I ever been named Clarke," he smirks.

"You're trying to get me drunk," I chuckle and he shrugs.

"Maybe. The food is gonna burn, so make way princess," he says and pushes me softly aside.

"Octavia, come eat!" I yell and hear something fall upstairs. Probably O herself.

"How are you doing?" Bellamy asks.

"Fine," I lie.

"Don't lie," he frowns.

"What do you want me to say? I just found out that- after killing someone- the FBI was involved with something I thought was small. My dad was in a gang and was killed for leaving them! What do you want me to say Bellamy, tell me," I exclaim anf Octavia enters the kitchen.

"I'm sensing tension. Sexual tension," she smirks.

"Yeah, I guess it's something like that," I frown, not breaking eye contact with Bellamy.

"So, what's for dinner?" O asks. She always tries to make the situation better.

"Cheese steaks. Eat up," Bellamy glares at Octavia.

"Hey, this isn't my argument, don't hate me," Octavia holds her hands up in defense.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. So lets eat, then do something fun, dangerous," I smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

"Dangerous, like killing someone?" Bellamy blurts out.

"Well, you were next on my hit list, so we can," I reply and leave the room. That concieted, douchey asshole! Does he not know how bad I feel about this already?

I slam the door of the guest room behind me and bury my face in a pillow. Reality hits me. I fucking killed someone, I took away their life. I took away everything for them. He could've gotten married and had kids, got a good job, done something with his life. But I took that away.

"Clarke, I didn't mean it. You know I didn't," Bellamy says as he enters the room.

"Yeah, didn't mean it. Get out you asshole," I cry.

"Don't do this to me Clarke," he demands," I know how you feel. I know what it is like to watch someone die because of yourself! Don't act like you're the only one!"

"Bellamy, I'm not you! I'm not part of a gang, I'm an innocent girl who was given a fucked up life!" I yell.

"Do you think I wanted this Clarke? Because I didn't! I did this for Octavia, to protect her. Clarke, I killed someone to protect you! It may seem like I was trying to ruin your life, but it was you or them!" Bellamy yells back.

"Who did you kill, huh? Who's life was valued less than mine?" I ask.

"I killed your parents," Bellamy scowls.

I don't say anything just break into sobs. My legs give out under me and I fall to the floor crying.

"How could you! I'd rather die than have my parents die!" I scream.

"You know what Clarke? I'm supposed to kill you too. But... I can't do it. I just can't do it," a tear escapes Bellamy's eye," I'm not going to do it either." A bunch of emotions wash over me, grief, guilt, and anger.

"I can't do this anymore," I sob," I can't watch people die for me anymore!"

"Clarke, listen to me. Finish this week of school then we are leaving. We are not staying here," Bellamy whispers like someone is listening.

"I don't want to dropout! All I want is a normal life!" I exclaim.

"Too bad. Do you want to die?" Bellamy asks and I shake my head," I will make your life normal. Lincoln will help us. Just, go get O and we will figure this out."

"I can make it look like you disappeared, I can get you out of here," Lincoln explains," you have to do everything I tell you though. The FBI has been watching you Clarke. They want to keep you safe because- never mind why, just do what I tell you and you'll be safe."

"Why do they care about me?" I ask. Bellamy is sitting on the couch frowning and O is gushing over Lincoln.

"Your mother was a very important part of the FBI. She coveted herself up by becoming a doctor. Your dad gave her information about his gang and she passed it onto us. They killed your parents when they found out," Lincoln says with pity.

"Don't pity me," I snap," and not just anyone killed my parents."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Octavia asks.

"I killed them, okay!" Bellamy exclaims.

"Bell..." O trails off.

"Our chief's son is going to lead you away from here," Lincoln tells us. Just then the door opens and Kennadi jumps when she sees that we are all still awake.

"Umm...hey guys! Why is everyone frowning?" She tries to play it off.

"We are leaving. Getting our of here and getting a normal life," I explain.

"Bellamy and Octavia too?" She asks and Lincoln nods.

"Well, here goes nothing."

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