what a coward

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The next few days were hell because I had sent the papers back to him with a very angry letter saying if he didn’t sign them I would rip him limb from limb. Okay maybe I wouldn’t but I would still make his life a living hell. I waited patiently for him to send the papers back with them signed but they never came and I grew angrier until I snapped and ran into Dexter’s office in complete rage.

                “Im going to get him to sign these papers!” I growled as I stopped in front of Dexter’s desk. His gaze lifted to mine and he raised an eye brow.

                “And how are you going to do that?” he asked slowly

                “I’m going to his pack,” I snapped.

                “And what if he still refuses to sign them?” he asked leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

                “I will forge his signature,” I growled.

                “Cadence that is sort of illegal,” he sighed and ran a hand over his face.

                “So?” I asked defiantly.

                “Your not going to let this go are you?” he asked and I shook my head. “Fine I will book the flight and we will leave in the morning.”

                “We?” I asked and raised an eye brow.

                “Im not letting you go alone cadence. I will go along with you as well as Myra. You haven’t seen him since he walked out and I don’t trust you by yourself,” he said calmly.

                “Ouch alpha your lack of trust hurts me,” I said and put a hand over my heart in mock offense. Truthfully I was glad he said he was going to come because I don’t think I could face my mate on my own

“Get over it princess. Go pack,” he said with a smile.

                 Did I ever say I hated flying? No? Well I’m saying it now. I hated flying! Me and being suspended thousands of feet in the air didn’t mix! Dexter knew this but him and Myra just giggled as I clung onto the pillow and stared at the seat ahead of me in fear. We may be in first class but it didn’t make this better.

                Dexter leaned forward in his seat and turned the small TV on that was stuck in the middle of the seat in front of me. My favorite movie was playing and I calmed down a little bit. Myra called the sturdiest and ordered us some drinks. I smiled at her thankfully and she offered me a smile back.

                As we neared his territory my nerves got worse and I was mere seconds from ripping the pillow in my grasp to pieces with my fighting hands. Suddenly Myra’s hand came into my sight and she was holding a glass of whisky and all I could do was snatch it from her gasp and downed it.

                “Well I wasn’t expecting that,” she muttered as I handed her the empty glass.

                “I was,” Dexter laughed and I glared at him and he instantly shut his mouth. “You might want to get her another,” he muttered to Myra and I smiled at him telling him he said the right thing. Myra handed me my second drink and I downed it as fast as the first.

                Three more drinks later my grip on the pillow had loosened enough for Dexter to drag it from my grasp but not without me yelling at him and telling him that he was a jerk for taking the pillow away but he just chuckled and ignored me.

                Twenty minutes we were landed and Dexter had to support me so I could walk off the plane. People looked at us weird but we ignored them and got into the car we had rented. I sat in the back feeling completely relaxed and a bit tired from all the alcohol.

                Dexter drove to the hotel and I could smell him and his pack as we drove. They would know in a matter of minutes that we were here and he would come demanding why I had coming looking for him so I had to sober up by then.

                “Why did you let me drink?” I groaned after my second cup of coffee. Dexter was staring out the window so we would know if they were coming for us. Myra was sitting in front of me a smirk on her face.

                “You wouldn’t have gotten drunk if you didn’t drink them so quickly,” she said and I glared at her.

                “Some ones here,” Dexter warned and I slowly got up from where I was sitting and made my way the window. Sure enough two men stepped out of a black escalade and nodded to the valet that was standing there. You could not miss these guys if you lost them in a crowded mall. They wore black suits and towered over everyone. From up here we could smell that they were from the pack but I could recognize them from anywhere.

                “Those are his brothers,” I muttered and stepped away from the window. The man was such a coward he had to send his dam brothers to do his dirty work.

my mate left me the night of our wedding (contains strong language)Where stories live. Discover now