Glee: Sebastian Smythe

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italics are your thoughts


Sebastian and I started dating last year. At first the new directioners didn't like it and didn't approve of it because they didn't want another Rachel and Jesse situation, but they soon came to terms with it. Boy, am I glad they did. Sebastian is the highlight of my life, and he treats me like I'm royalty. We always agreed not to ask each other about the glee clubs when we had to compete against each other in sectionals, regionals, or nationals. Not because we didn't trust each other but because we didn't want something to slip out and unintentionally screw the other team.

This year, our clubs are competing against each other for sectionals. I was upset when I found out that some kid had joined Dalton and took over Sebastian's role as captain of the Warblers, but I got over it eventually.

Sectionals is being held at McKinley this year, so we didn't have to worry about transportation. I am a bit worried because Mr. Schue left Finn in charge of glee club while he was gone, and Finn came up with the idea for us to do Gangnam Style. Practically all the lyrics are in Korean and so it was kind of hard to learn Korean while learning the song. I think we will pull it off but obviously I have my worries. The New Directioners and I went into the auditorium and took our seats to watch the first group.

"I'm Hunter Clarington, and we're the Dalton Academy Warblers. Hope you enjoy the show." The new captain of the Warblers said

Throughout the whole performance I was looking at Sebastian. His moves were amazing, and his gelled hair was perfect. Everything about him is perfect, I love that man so much.

Hunter finished singing and they went into positions for the next song.

"Dah, nah-nah, nah, nah. Chick, chick, chick. Dah-dah, nah-nah, nah-nah. Chick, chick, chick" The warblers started

I immediately identified the song, Live While We're Young by One Direction, my favorite song. And guess who was singing it, the one and only, Sebastian Smythe.

Sebastian made eye contact with me and started singing, "Hey, girl, I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya, come on and let me sneak you out"

Throughout the performance, Sebastian would glance at me. At one point he subtly winked at me, causing me to heavily blush. He knew the effect his winks had on me, he always used it to his advantage.

Nearing the end of the performance, Sebastian looked at me and smirked.

"Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young" He finished the song, then looked out into the audience.

Every day, every action, everything this man does, makes me fall harder for him. I am seriously in love with Sebastian.


a/n: this one is short. its like 450 words. i thought of the idea, wrote it, and posted it. I do not have school tomorrow, as it is MKLJ Day so I am hoping to finish up sone imagines ang get them posted so I can get started on the request. i am excited to write it so i might write and post it earlier than expected but i make no promises

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