The Flash: Barry Allen (part one)

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this is the first part to my one year special

italics are your thoughts

bold is text messages

underlined is phone call


Iris has never been fond of me. I've known Barry for about as long as she has but Barry and I get along better. Caitlin says she's just jealous of how close Barry and I are. But I don't understand why, I've always assumed Barry thinks of me as a sister. Although I have developed feelings for him over the years. It just so happens that the day he announced that him and Iris were dating, it was also the day I planned on telling him about my feelings. But I couldn't anymore. So I've hidden my feelings deep down and ignored them.

Today is Barry's bachelor party along with Iris' bachelorette party. I'm at home on my couch. The reason I'm not at that party, is because I wasn't invited. And I wasn't even told it was happening. The only reason I know about it is because Caitlin couldn't hang out with me.

I'm invited to the wedding but I don't think I'm gonna go. I wanna be there for Barry but seeing him getting married to Iris will kill me. I may just go for a little bit then leave.

I've been sulking on my couch, eating junk food and watching tv all day. I just decided to clean up and take care of myself. I had just gotten out of the shower and heard my phone ringing.

I saw it was Cisco and answered, "What's up?"

"We have a problem," he replied

I can hear music in the background, "What's the problem and where are you?"

"We are outside a bar and Barry is very drunk."

"How? I thought he couldn't get drunk."

"Well, I made a special concoction for him and I guess I overestimated it."


"I know, I'm sorry."

"Whatever but why call me?"

"We tried calling the girls but no one answered. We thought you'd be with them."

"Nope, I didn't even know her bachelorette part was today until Caitlin told me."

"I'm sorry but will you please come get Barry?"

"Yeah, send me the location. I'll be there soon."

I hang up then quickly get changed and go to my car. I drive to the bar Cisco gave me and see them sitting with Barry.

I get out and help Barry into the passenger seat.

"He's gonna have the worst hangover," I chuckle

"I feel bad for future him," Joe says

"Well, I don't. I'm glad he let loose," Ralph says.

"I don't either, he needed this," Cisco says

"Anyone else need a ride?" I ask

"No, we all stayed semi sober because of how bad Barry was," Cisco says

"Y/n, please stay with him until Iris gets home," Joe says

I nod, "You got it."

I get back in my car and drive Barry to his apartment. I help him inside and bring him to his bedroom. I sit him down and he falls backward. I chuckle before going into the bathroom and wetting a cloth to put on his forehead. When I return to the bedroom, he's out cold. I take his jacket and flannel off before taking his shoes and belt off. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water before putting it on his nightstand. I grabbed some advil and put it next to his water for when he wakes up. I moved the trashcan and put it beside the bed. I turned to leave but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

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