The Flash: Barry Allen (part two)

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this is part 2 to my one year special

italics are your thoughts

bold is text messages

underlined is a phone call


When I woke up I checked my phone for any messages from Barry. But nope, not one. Not even a thank you. After getting ready, I went to Jitters and got everyone a coffee. I drove to star labs and walked in.

I walked into the cortex, "I got everyone coffees."

Almost everyone raced over to grab one. I handed them out.

Iris came up to me, "Where's mine?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted one," I say as nicely yet fakely as I could.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"What was that about?" Barry asked

"Nothing. Don't worry about it," I say

Cisco walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Sorry for just dropping him on you last night."

"It's okay, he isn't a bad drunk," I chuckle

"Who?" Barry asked

"You," Ralph answered

"What do you mean? Iris said that you guys called her to come pick me up and bring me home," Barry says

That little bitch.

"Tgat's not what happened, at all," I pause, "Cisco called me because he couldnt reach any of the girls. He thought I'd be with them but I wasn't. So I picked you up and brought you home. I took care of you until you're fiancèe got back. And boy was I in for a surprise."

"What do you mean surprise?" Caitlin asks

Just then Iris walked in.

"Oh Iris, how nice of you to join us," I smirk

"What was the surprise?" Cisco asks

"Iris walked in the door with sex hair and smudged makeup. Not to mention she was stumbling and had a slight limp," I say with an amused tone

Everyone's eyes go wide. Barry opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"I couldn't believe it either," I say

Barry scoffs, "Y/n, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah," I say

I follow Barry out of the cortex and into the time vault.

"What is up with you lately?" Barry asks

"Excuse me?"

"You've been acting all weird. And Iris told me that you've been yelling at her and you've been trying to break us up."

"Barry, you're happy with Iris. Why would I try and ruin that?"

"Iris says you're jealous."

"Oh my god. It's always about Iris. Iris says this, Iris wants that. What about me, Barry? I understand, you're in a relationship now but you have been listening and obeying her every command."

"I'm honestly starting to believe her. You're being ridiculous."

"I know you don't remember but you told me you loved me last night. You said you actually meant it. I brushed it off because you were drunk but, drunk words are sober thoughts."

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