Part 1: Back to Kuoh! (Chapter 3)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or High School DxD in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Spell


Chapter 3: Part 1: Back to Kuoh!

Naruto groaned in his sleep as he sat abruptly holding his head. Last night's celebration was amazing but at the same time, it left him with a headache but that's what he gets for drinking. Usually, he was the kind of person who would encourage drinking in moderation but in certain events, he can afford to get drunk.

It so happened that Luminous was interested in drinking after all, you can't have a party without getting drunk. At one point, a competition had started over who could drink the most sake, which happened when Elfmen mocked Tokikaze for being lightweight which definitely hurt Tokikaze's pride.

Most of them got dragged into this competition when Tokikaze had challenged Naruto who didn't take this lying down. There was no clear winner to this little competition since no one was sober by the time they had a few drinks. Naruto may be able to hold his liquor but he has his limit and it so happens that after drinking an entire barrel full of sake he had finally reached his limit.

He looked around him to see himself in bed, so either he was carried back to the room by those who were excluded from the drinking competition or in his drunkard phase he went to his bed. Looking at his current situation, he was naked as the day he was born and the smell of sex in the room was a clear indication of what had happened the previous night.

Looking at his right side, he saw Luminous holding onto him in her sleep but just like him, she was also naked and had that very satisfied look as if she had the best night. On his left side was Chloe O'Bell who was also naked and had a very satisfied look as she held onto him unconsciously.

Naruto felt an extra weight on his chest as he looked down to see the strands of white hair which the Strauss siblings are known for. Despite refusing to take part in the previous night drinking contest, Mirajane could be seen naked just like him and the two others. Her smile on her face was a clear indication that she was satisfied with his performance.

Naruto chuckled a little, he used to remember how he always slept in a run down apartment building but now he lives in mansions and castles that would make the Daimyo of the Fire Nation look like a joke. Funnily enough, his bed was bigger than even his old bedroom and that's him being modest because he could go for an even bigger bed.

He also remembers how many women viewed him as unattractive with some even going out of their way to tell him that no women would be willing to settle down with him but here he is with 3 women sleeping in the same bed as him and there are two more but they were working hard to perform their duties.

He may have been a loser in Konoha but in this world, he is a King in which many women would throw everything away just for a one night with him and even then he wasn't going to entertain any of them. He was sure that Jiraiya would be crying blood if he heard about this but hopefully he wouldn't see the old pervert for another century, maybe even forever.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, he could see that it was 7 in the morning. Usually, he would either wake up at around 5 in the morning or late in the morning if he ended up having sex all night. Due to the effect of alcohol in their system, they didn't last long during their nightly fun and they ended up sleeping at 2 in the morning.

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