Part I: Rating Game! (Chapter 15)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or High School DxD in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Spell


Chapter 15: Part I: Rating Game!

The Ten Days Training had ended and now today was the start of the Rating Game between Rias and Riser to determine if Rias gets to gain her freedom or get married to Riser at least this is how the guests attending this event see this since it was the talk of the underworld.

Nobody but a select few are aware of what the conclusion of this rating game will entail. Riser was never going to win since Naruto nor Sirzechs were going to allow a womanizer to sleep around with their little sister who while spoiled was still family and the Gremory value family above all else.

Naruto was sitting in his own personal cinema room of his own mansion as projected on the large screen was the fight that was going to take place. He could already see Rias peerage being transported into the ORC club while Riser was in the Principal Office.

"I have high expectations for them to impress me. I won't have them bring shame to us by losing badly!" Said Luminous haughtily as she watched as Rias's peerage was transported inside the replica of the Kuoh academy.

"Rias currently has the field advantage, no doubt Riser knows he's going to win and wants to cement it to every noble that is attending or those that are watching it live like us!" Said Naruto as sitting on his lap was Mirajane herself.

Luminous and Chloe shot Mirajane looks of jealousy since they wanted to sit on his lap but Naruto was quite fair when it came to his harem. He had always made sure that he spent equal time with all of them which is why he chose to have Mirajane sit on his lap.

"Hopefully for their sake they put up a good fight. It will be embarrassing for her peerage if she were to lose badly especially in her own territory!" Said Tokikaze agreeing with both Naruto and Luminous. Tokikaze had taken a page out of Naruto's book and had Eins on his lap.

"Well...I'm sure they will do their best regardless!" Said Mirajane as she started to kiss Naruto who returned the kiss while cupping her cheeks.

"Well played, little girl!" Thought Luminous, a little bit jealous but understood. She knows that Naruto likes to make time for every girl in his own harem and Mirajane while content with her life, Naruto still spoils her quite a lot.

"I'm kind of worried about Asia...I still think she shouldn't have been involved in the supernatural world to begin with!" Said Lisanna looking worried as she looked at the screen where the former nun was fidgeting slightly.

"Sadly, this is the price those with power like us have to pay!" Said Tokikaze with everyone agreeing with him since it was the truth even if it was a bitter one.

It was the bitter truth, if you have power then others will either seek to recruit you through any means or take what you have like how Asia was killed by the Fallen Angel and her sacred gear extracted from her.

Asia lucked out that Issei had developed attachment to her and came to her rescue or rather she died but Issei insistence had led Rias to reincarnate the former nun in her peerage while returning her the sacred gear. Not everyone is lucky to be given a chance at life.

Living a normal life is no longer a privilege you get to have when you wield a powerful sacred gear or any power. You will have to align yourself with a certain faction or pantheons to survive and have some semblance of what could be a normal life.

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