Part 3: Training Weaklings! (Chapter 8)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or High School DxD in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Spell


Chapter 8: Part 3: Training Weaklings!


"ARGH!" Issei screamed in pain as he crouched on the kitchen floor holding onto the lump in his head. Naruto stood towering over the pawn's, his hand was clenched and had a very annoyed look.

"Issei-san!" Asia shouted in worry as she looked at her crush who was in slight pain but Naruto hardly cared since there are many things he can't tolerate and one of them is disrespect for the food. Being a cook himself, he had come to appreciate the ingredients.

"What are you doing wasting all that food?" Asked Naruto with annoyance in his voice, just because he was raised in a lavish lifestyle growing up didn't mean that he forgot the struggle of his past life.

It was night and as part of training for both Issei and Asia, they were to cook using magic which Asia seemed to be doing well as she used her magic to boil the water as per the instruction that she received from Mirajane and to some degree Akeno as well.

Issei was failing miserably since his magic power sucks but somehow he managed to peel the skin of the potato when thinking about Akeno naked body. Now, this would be an achievement by itself but Issei started a potato peeling spree which definitely annoyed Naruto.

"S-Sorry!" Issei muttered as he stood up while Naruto let out a sigh, he can't exactly blame him since he probably would have done something like that if he was back in Konoha.

"It's fine! Since I don't like wasting food, you can use the necessary amount of potato to make the food for Rias peerage while I will cook for my own peerage using the remaining ones." Said Naruto as Asia quickly took the amounts that she exactly needed which was half.

"Hmm, what should I make?" said Naruto mostly pondered to himself as he got an idea and proceeded to gather the potato remaining to start his plan while Issei and Asia worked on the other half.


Rias peerage sat on the table with the potato being served in different forms, they didn't exactly mind. Naruto's peerage on the other hand didn't have a plate for the moment since they were waiting for Naruto.

"Why aren't you all eating?" Rias asked curiously as she looked at her twin brother's peerage members who were patiently waiting for him but all had smiles and were making small discussions to pass time.

"If you think we're going to eat food prepared by your pawn then you're sadly mistaken. Love cooking is something I always look forward to." Said Luminous with a dreamy smile as she remembered the day she saw him in an apron.

"You will understand what our queen meant when you see what our King will be serving us." Said Tokikaze with a smile of his own as he wanted to ask for Naruto to teach him how to cook so that he can spoil Eins which she was also having the same thought since she wanted to cook for Tokikaze as well.

Issei started sulking even more while Rias was going to say something but the door quickly opened revealing Naruto walking in while pushing a cart showing different dishes all made out of potato.

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