Interrogation (Soap x Male Reader)

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Angry shouting echoed through the hallway, managing to fill the small room you had run into. Gunfire followed it, bullets either colliding with flesh or with the concrete walls the building had been made out of.

A gun was tight in your hands as you looked for a way out, eyes lingering on the window. You bit your lip as you thought, moving over it to open it. You glanced down to see how high up you were, groaning quietly. You'd managed to get up to the third floor and the fall would do more damage then it would good.

The sounds of boots stomping and doors banging open made you turn your head, a feeling of nervousness overcoming you the longer you listened. The knob on your door turned as you cursed in Russian before climbing out the window, using grapples to make your way onto the roof.

The explosion of a grenade going off in the room shook the building, almost making you lose your footing, the tile of the roofing slipping out from under you. You looked around, eyes lighting up when you noticed a close gaggle of trees. You made your way over to them as quietly as you could, trying to keep the tiles from clacking under your boots.

"You said someone was in here!" A gruff voice cut through the silence. Whoever it was seemed relatively upset. A heavy British accent came with the words.

"He was up here!." Another voice responds, a panicked tone to his voice.. You cursed him quietly. Your squadmate had offered your life in exchange for his own. If he survived this, you'd be having a word or two with him. "The windows open. He must've run!"

You jumped to one of the trees, scrambling onto the branch. You grunted as you leaned back against the tree for a moment to catch your breath. Checking over your gun, you made sure it was loaded and ready to be fired. You scaled down the tree, and took off in a direction away from the building, hoping to whatever god that you had not been spotted.

Whether it was fate or the gods out to get you, you were not so lucky. A bullet whizzed by your head, nearly missing as it hit the side of your helmet. Your body jerked, moving to weave in and out of the trees to try to obscure the shooter.

Shot after shot landed in the ground or trees next to you. You thanked the gods that whoever was shooting at you was an awful shot. The thanks turned into a curse when a pain shot through your calf. You stumbled, leaning on a nearby tree.

It was only for a moment. You pushed yourself away from the tree, a bullet striking where your head had just been. You started to run again, though it was really just quick hobbles as you tried to ignore the pain in your leg.

The bullets stopped. It wasn't much longer until you reached the end of the woods and came across the small town your squad had just fled from. You continued into the town, stumbling over debris and through cracking buildings before you sat yourself on the second floor of one of them.

Your leg was stretched out, pant leg pulled up so you could assess the damage. It was a decent shot. Any higher and it would've prohibited your movement more than it had. It tore clear through your calf, a neat entry wound and a nasty exit wound in its wake.

The small first aid kit you carried with you opened and you started the tedious task of stitching and bandaging your leg. It was difficult to say the least, but you got it done. And you got it done neatly. The stitchings were well done and the bandages were tight but not too tight.

You rolled your pant leg back down and took a breather. Your squad was probably dead. The bastard that sold you out probably didn't make it far- a blessing for him for his alternative was falling into your hands. The room you sat in was dark save for the rays of sun peeking through cracks in the wall.

You stood up. Despite your leg screaming with opposition, you walked up another flight of stairs to the third floor and then up one more to the fourth. You didn't know where you were going. Didn't know what was going to happen.

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