Inside (König x M!Reader) Please read warnings!!

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Pairing: König x Male Reader
Warning(s): Dead Dove Do Not Eat, wound fucking, wound fingering, blood as lube, intentional injuries, dubious consent at first, semi-public sex, lot of blood, descriptions of gunshot wound, gunshot wounds, cum in wounds

Word Count: 3690

 You were clearing a building when it happened. The shot fired and you felt it pierce the side of your abdomen, felt the pain it brought with it. You felt the second tear through your thigh and the third through your shoulder.

The pain laid you out on the ground, clutching your shoulder as you gasped for breath. "I'm hit. I'm hit," you manage to get out to your team before a fourth bullet comes buzzing by your head.

The man who shot you came up to you, his gun aimed at your forehead as he inspected your injured form. He must've seen something he liked. His barrel came to sit on your neck, just under your chin. The man used it to push your head back so he could get a better look at you.

"You sure are pretty," he grins, angling your head so you were looking up at him. You saw König coming up behind the man before the man heard him. By the time the guy turned, it was too late. The butt of König's gun came in contact with his face, knocking him to the ground before he laid half a mag of bullets in him.

"Thank fuck," you sigh, letting your head fall against the ground below you. Before you were moving to sit up, stopping as König crouched down next to you.

"Where are you hit?" König asks, taking a moment to drag you into an adjacent room, out of sight.

"My right side, left thigh, and my shoulder," you answer, uncovering the wound to show König. It was then that you got a good look at all three of your wounds. Whatever caliber the bastard used was huge. Your shoulder was in the best condition. No major arteries or bones seem to have been hit which was a relief.

Your thigh wound was deeper, more skin torn apart . The edges of your pants around the wound were burnt. You certainly weren't going anywhere in a rush with it. Pain shot through your leg every time you tried to move it. The hole in your side was the worst. The entrance and exit wounds were huge. It had hit the only spot your bulletproof vest didn't cover.

Blood seeped from the wounds, as was expected. Your hand that was covering your shoulder was covered in your own blood, the red darkening the fabric around the wound.

You saw the glint in his eyes at the sight of your blood covered hand. He grabbed your hand, looking it over before bringing it under his mask. You felt his tongue run over your fingers and your heart jumped.

"Here? König if we don't get back soon, they'll come looking for us," you whisper, biting back a sob when König pressed a thumb into the wound on your side. "You're insatiable," you choke out.

He chuckled as he let go of your hand and pulled up his mask before leaning over you. "You like it though, don't you?" He asks and you can't deny it. There were traces of your blood around his mouth and you can feel your face heat up at the sight. Then his hands were working some of your heavier gear off.

Your bulletproof vest, helmet, and your tactical belt all laid a couple feet away on the floor which left you in your black uniform. König eyed you hungrily as he pushed your legs open, taking his place in between them. He ignored the choked sob you let out as he scraped over the wound.

You were vulnerable in this position. No weapons in arms reach in case anything goes wrong. And you sure as hell weren't getting anywhere far with that hole in your leg. König's body covered your own as he leaned down so you were face to face with him.

His pupils were dilated beyond belief, the hint of a smirk resting on his face as his hand came up to your injured shoulder. You jerked away at first, letting out a shaky breath as König ran his palm over the wound. König tutted, grabbed the wrist of your uninjured arm and held your arm against the ground.

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