Congratulations, General (Soap x Male Reader x Ghost)

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Word Count: 3686

Soap slapped your back as he passed behind you, laughing at the sound you made as he stopped at your side. Ghost came up on your other side, rubbing your lower back as they settled in their spots.

"You guys getting ready to go?" You ask, glancing up at Soap.

"You jus' can't wait to get rid o' us, can ya, Colonel?" Soap groans, leaning into you with a huff.

"Oh shut it," you smile with a roll of your eyes as you pushed Soap off of you. "I wanted to say goodbye to you before you both left for however long."

"At least a month," Ghost chimes in, chuckling at the disappointed look you gave him.

"We'll be back before yah know it," Soap reassures, pressing a short kiss to your temple. "You've got your own team to watch out for."

You sighed quietly as you nodded. "I'll be waiting for you to come back. I know I'm planned to be here awhile."

"See? That's the spirit," Soap grins, pulling you into a hug. You heard Ghost let out a quiet laugh before he was hugging you as well, pressing the mouth of his mask against the top of your head.

You'd seen them off plenty of times before. It wasn't rare that your team was paired with the 141 for missions or what not. You watched as they took off and lingered in the hangar until their helicopter was out of sigh before you returned to the base.

Ghost and Soap were in for a treat when they got back.


It had been just over a month when they returned from their recon mission. Just about the average time it took. You normally would've been in the hangar to meet them but you'd gotten stuck in a meeting with a few captains of teams you were now 'in charge' of. You'd been spreading these teams where they were needed and it was taking longer than you would've preferred.

You'd thought everyone agreed on where to go and today would be the final discussion, but people were bringing up sudden worries. Frustration racked through you as you repeated yourself for the sixth time in that hour. One of the captains began speaking against you, again, and you rubbed the bridge of your nose as you sat back in your chair. Your uniform suddenly felt too stuffy and you were ready to explode right then.

You didn't miss the look of disdain the captain shot you as he spoke and you were quick to wave him away. "We'll come back to this tomorrow. Tensions are high. We won't get anywhere like this," you sigh, capping the pen you'd been using. You stood up, your colleagues following suit. They saluted you before you dismissed them and soon it was just you in the meeting room.

You grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge in the room and held it against your head for a moment before sighing in relief. You sat back down in your chair and kicked your feet up, leaning as far back in the chair as you could without falling out of it. What a fucking shit show.

A knock at the door of the meeting room interrupted your thoughts as you glanced towards the door. "Price," you hum, readjusting in your chair so you were facing the captain. "What brings you here?"

"You've got visitors, General," Price answers, stepping inside to let Soap and Ghost in. You huffed at the use of your new title before standing up.

"General?" Soap mumbles, glancing over at you. You assumed he was looking for the medal that came with a rank up.

"Major General," you nod with a small smile.

"What? When?" Soap laughs, walking over to you and running the broad side of his finger over the medal once he found it.

"Just after you guys left," you answer. Ghost appeared next to Soap, eyeing the medal for a moment.

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