Master (Zenyatta x Male Reader)

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The monastery was quiet, as it normally was this late at night. You should be asleep. You know that, yet you found yourself tossing and turning restlessly in your bed. Your blankets too hot, yet removed, the cold air nipped your skin and sent shivers through your body.

You sat up, running a hand through your hair with a low sigh. Blankets thumped quietly to the ground as you stood up. You took the few minutes it took to remake your cot, spreading the blankets flat, before going out to the small balcony attached to your quarters. Well, your teacher's quarters.

It had been a few years since you had joined and you thanked your teacher near every day for taking you under his wing. He always told you not to worry, with that low, calming voice of his. It drove you up the wall in the best way possible.

You like to say you've grown close to the omnic and you wished it would go further. You can't tell if the fleeting touches he gives you mean anything more than, well, fleeting touches. Normally, you'd think nothing of it, but with how often they happen, and where he brushes, it makes you think.

It's always been a silly thought to you. You couldn't possibly be more than a simple student to the great Tekhartha Zenyatta. He couldn't think that highly of you, right?

The thought liked to keep you up at night, like it was teasing you.

The night air was cool against your exposed skin and you let out a quiet breath. You really needed a way to get all these feelings off your shoulders. Meditation helped you for a short period of time until the thoughts would start spiraling again.

You leaned against the railing of the balcony, relaxing against it as you looked out to the scenery surrounding the monastery. There was little to no light out here so the stars shone bright in the sky. Zenyatta would point out a few of the constellations visible in the sky when he would come out with you. Those nights were nice. His voice soothed you, calmed you and it had lulled you to sleep on sleepless nights.

The voice that so often calmed you, suddenly caused you to jump and your body tensed.

"What are you doing out so late, my student?" It cut through your thoughts and you turned around so you were facing the monk.

"Teacher," you greeted quietly, rubbing your forearm as you tried to relax. "Can't sleep."

Zenyatta hummed, floating closer towards you. "Has something happened? It seemed you had been sleeping better."

There wasn't much space left between the two of you and you swore you could hear his fans spinning. "It's nothing, Master. Nothing to worry about," you half heartedly reassured, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"You do not have to lie to me," his voice was quiet and hearing your name sent a shiver down your spine. "You're tense."

You were. You had pressed yourself as far against the railing as you could, like you were trying to put as much distance between yourself and Zenyatta. Your shirt had ridden up, exposing your tummy to the night air. He seemed to follow you, pressing you back against the railing. You tried to force yourself to relax, taking a deep breath, only for the breath to hitch when you felt cold fingers press against your exposed stomach.

"Master," you whisper, voice desperate against your will.

He pushed his fingers further up your shirt, allowing his palm to rest against your stomach. His voice was unwavering, "What's wrong?"

Your stomach twitched under his tongue and you choked on your breath. Zenyatta's fingers were vibrating oh so slightly and it sent jolts along your skin. "It's not professional," you breathe, making no move to push his hand away. He hummed, seemingly in agreement, before his hand trailed higher up once more.

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