Tear in His Heart (Soldier:76 x Male Reader)

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 You were sitting on Soldier's bed, waiting for the man to come back. It was his birthday today- you wanted to surprise him. A neatly wrapped present sat on the bed next to you, all you needed now, was your boyfriend.

An hour passed, and then two, then the sun was casting an orange hue into the room through the window. Still, you waited. You decided to start on a nice dinner. You had gone out to get groceries and decided to pick up a couple steaks since you knew Jack liked them.

It was your plan to make them for dinner anyway. The sun had disappeared by the time dinner was done. The table was set, candles lit, wine set to the side. It seemed to be perfect timing.

As you finished up the steaks, Jack came in through the door. Even just looking at him, you could tell he was exhausted. His movements were sluggish as he removed his shoes and jacket.

"Are you hurt?" You ask, walking over to him so you could take his jacket so you could wash it later. Jack shook his head before removing the visor he wore out.

It had taken a long time for Jack to trust you enough to remove it. You had never pushed it. And it only happened after you'd expressed romantic interest in him that he removed it for the first time. It had flustered you and you spent almost an hour tracing over his facial features, pressing kisses over scars and telling him just how handsome he was.

You did the same then. You draped his jacket over the arm of the couch before bringing him in for a soft kiss. Jack relaxed against you, you could feel it. He let out a deep breath as he returned the kiss. "I made dinner and I've got something for you in your room."

"What's the occasion?" Even his voice sounded tired. His usual gruff, almost commanding voice was quiet, soft.

"Your birthday, Jack." You had laced your fingers with his and were gently pulling him towards the set table. "I wanted to do something nice for it."

"You didn't have to," he murmurs, pulling your hand up to kiss the back of it. You smiled, returning the gesture.

"I know, but I wanted to treat you tonight. If you'd allow me to of course."

"I- Thank you, dear," Soldier whispered, pulling his chair back so he could sit. "What did you make?"

You headed back into the kitchen, bringing out the steaks for him. "A couple steaks and some sides. I bought some wine as well," you hum, offering one of the steaks to the man. He thanked you as he pulled it onto his plate.

Soldier waited for you to sit across from him with your own food before he started eating. You made idle talk with him as you ate. The longer the two of you spoke, the more relaxed Soldier became.

Once dinner was done and you finished cleaning up, you led Soldier back to his room. The gift was still sitting where you left it. "I know it's not much, but I really wasn't sure what to get you," you apologized, handing Jack the gift.

He took it, weighing it in his hands before opening it. You sat on his bed again, watching for his reaction. Soldier held the picture in his hands, staring at it. Your leg bounced, nervous he didn't like it.

A smile graced his features and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Soldier set the frame on a nightstand by his bed before coming back to stand in front of you. "Thank you," he hums, leaning down to kiss you.

"I'm glad you like it," you grin, resting your hands on Jack's hips. He was the one to move into your lap. His hands moved to your shoulders before they ran up your neck and cupped your cheeks. He kissed you with desperation that he hadn't before, like a man starved.

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