Taking Care of the Misthios (Alexios x Male Reader)

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The sun was warm against your skin, beating down on you and warming the water your feet sat in. You had just returned to the small building you and Alexios had decided to call home. He came through the door a few hours after, covered in blood.

You thought the worst had happened. He'd gotten injured, but no. A rogue band of bandits had decided to target the misthios. Needless to say, they met Hades today.

Alexios sat a little ways behind you, watching you intently. His eyes bore into your back and you almost swore they would burn holes through your thin tunic. The Spear of Leonidas sat in your lap as you wiped it down. His sword sat next to you, already cleaned of the dried blood that stained it.

By the time you set the bloodied rag in the little washbin you brought out, his spear was almost shining in the light of the midday sun. You heard him stand up and step up behind you before a hand rested itself on your shoulder. The spear was set with his sword, both being pushed back so Alexios could stand next to you.

He was still covered in blood, the tangy smell of metal hitting your nose at the proximity. You set his spear off to the side with his sword, turning enough to help him remove the sandals he wore. You unclasped the small leather bands and he lifted each foot so you could set them to the side.

Eyes never left your form. They watched the way your hands worked quickly, ghosting up the back of his calves, caressing the muscle as they came back down before offering one up to him. He grabbed it and allowed you to lead him into the water in front of you.

The water sat just below his waist, getting the belt he wore wet. He didn't seem to mind as he knew it would come off soon.

"Will you allow me to clean you off, Alexios?" You ask, looking up at him from your spot on the ground.

He nodded and helped you to your feet. Your fingers trailed over his armor, feeling the dips in the metal from the multitude of hits he's taken over the years. His breastplate came off first. You undid the clasps, setting the dirty armor piece on the ground next to his weapons.

No matter how many times you'd seen the man's bare skin, your mouth seemed to water at the sight. You started at his shoulders, brushing them over and down his arms, tracing lingering scars. His hands were calloused and rough from years of weapon wielding, but he seemed to always have a gentleness when they came to you. You suppose he probably thinks the same of your own hands.

You jumped from his hands to his tummy and you felt his muscles twitch under your fingertips. You gave a quiet laugh and he echoed it, wrapping an arm around the back of your neck and urging you down closer to him so he could kiss you.

You continued to caress him as he kissed you. Hands traced his abs, running with the lines before trailing up to his pecs. He pulled back from the kiss when he felt your hands settle just below them. He watched as you cupped them.

Your hands were large, almost encompassing his pecs. Almost. It had been one of the first things you noticed the first time he'd gotten naked for you. His tits were fucking massive. They overflowed in your hands and they were easy to grab, squish about.

A flick of your fingers over his nipples brought a quiet sigh from him and you could've swore you felt him relax against your hands. You pinched them and his body visibly jerked. A rub over them and he keened, pressing his chest further against your hands. When you leaned down to run your tongue over one, he finally gave you the noise you'd been wanting. A quiet groan.

It sounded like honey coming from him and, with the addition of the metallic taste of his skin, it made your dick jump.

"Enough teasing," you hear Alexios murmur. You knew it was taking him a lot to not get greedy with you, to let you take care of him as you had requested, and you knew it wasn't going to last much longer.

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