breaking in - 2

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y/n's perspective


During the afternoon I got ready, and packed a few potions that I could get my hands on. I was able to get my hands on an invisibility potion which I was very proud of.

Once it started getting dark, I got my armor on and grabbed my axe. It wasn't completely dark yet, the sun had just started setting but I had made it clear to everybody that I was incredibly tired and would be going to bed very early. I also knew that Tommy and Wilbur were going to try and infiltrate Dream's base tomorrow when the sun was up, which I personally think is stupid as they will all awake and there is a bigger chance for them to get caught.

I looked outside to make sure nobody was around to see me escape and started speed walking towards a crack in the wall that was covered by some hay bales, which was in fact big enough for me to fit through. Although they didn't see me, I did see Eret walking out of the same crack on the wall that I was going to go through, it didn't make sense why he was climbing through that hole, but maybe he was going to do the same thing as me. After I thought about that I started running towards the crack to see if I could catch him up and go with to retrieve the blue prints and get any information together, but as soon as I got outside of the walls of l'manburg I couldn't see him.


After walking for about 10 minutes a building started to appear in my vision. The second I saw it I immediately knew that this was dreams base and where the blueprints where being stored, and once I got my hands one the blueprints, I would be able to tell what kind of thing we would have to prepare for, but before that I had to get in without anybody noticing. By the time I was nearly in front of the building the night had fell upon me and I also start noticing figures standing outside the gates. Of course, they're going to have guards, how could you be so stupid y/n? I took my bag of my shoulders and looked for a potion. "Bingo, found it" I muttered to myself as I took the invisibility potion out of my bag.

I quickly swallowed it, and a sour taste was left in my taste buds. I got my water bottle out and take a few sips so that the flavor could disappear, but sadly it didn't. I really can never get used to drinking potions even if I have probably had more than a hundred.

I started seeing particles around me, which tells me that the potion had worked. But I still went around the guards quickly and cautiously so that the particles are not seen, it being pitch black really helped with that. I open and close the door as fast as I could but that still no doubtingly made every guard turn to look at the door.

Knowing that the guards were definitely going to see the door open and close, I quickly hid under a table which I guess was probably used to store the front door keys of the Dream team. The guards slowly as if they were scared to make noise, opened the door and quickly looked around, but to no surprise they didn't see anything as the particles were being practically covered by the table. After they left and closed the door I got out of my hiding spot and started walking around silently, cautiously, but also fast as the potion would wear off any minute. Out the corner of my eye I saw the stairs which I ran up. The hole time I hadn't heard a single person which I only questioned for about a second, before remembering that them not being here just ended up helping me.

But the nice silence quickly changed as soon as I got half way up the stairs. I started hearing some muffled sounds... of quite a lot of people. But ether way I decided to ignore it, as I didn't really know what room the sound was coming from, and I had a mission which was to figure out what were their plans and how we could prevent them harming l'manburg.

I started putting my ear to some doors to hear anyone, and if it was clear then I would proceed to open the door to check all the draws. So far, I hadn't come across anyone or heard anyone in any of the rooms that I had come across, but I did keep hearing those muffled sounds keep getting louder every time I walked down the corridor.

I had nearly covered the hole entire floor and I was starting to think that maybe Wilbur had heard what dream said to that guy named 'Sapnap' wrong. I heard the people talking a lot clearer, and I just couldn't stop myself to go and check out what they were doing. I turned a corner in the house to see a room which un-like all the other rooms in the house had the door open wide, so I could see everything happening in there and I could easily keep my distance.

I started listening to their conversation which they were so submerged in, that they disregarded the particles floating outside the door. "a little birdy told me that Wilbur was listening into mine and Sapnap's conversation about the plans" Dream told the boys who were all around a table looking at him. "Luckily I was not foolish enough to say what we did have planned, but either way they have their suspicions"

Wait... who snitched on us? I can't think of any l'manburg member who would do such a thing. Maybe instead of someone from our group snitching on us, it was someone from Dream's side who saw Wilbur spying on them.

"so, our plans are going to have to be pushed forwards, and we need to be in the lookout for any of them trying to get in here". I looked around the room whiles he talked to familiarize myself to them but...



wow... who is that person you reconsidered? 

words: 1045

I know the chapters are a bit short right now, and i think they are probably going to stay that way for a bit longer but i will try making the longer as we get on.

thank you so much for everyone who has started reading the stories!!

also, I think I'm going to be updating this story once per week, unless i have a lot of chapters finished and I can put more out. But I don't think that is going to be the case as I'm getting a lot of exams and don't have time to do everything after school.

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