counting down days - 11

33 3 0

y/n's POV


I had two more days till I left to the Dream team's castle.

Yesterday I tried acting even more masculine than usual to the point where Tommy commented on it. I had to obviously keep my hair hidden which made me very paranoid in case some of it fell out of my bun. Apart from that all I did was mining for some more diamonds, I only got three...

Today I was planning to hang around with Niki but she bailed on me last minute so I had nothing to do and I didn't want to go surfing because it was for some reason very cold. Because of all that I spent most of my day indoors, until at a random hour at mid-day when I decided to head over to Tommy's house to chill out with him.

Once I got to his house, I saw through the window that he was in his sofa (let's pretend that Tommy actually had a house and not just the embassy) I opened the door without knocking a sat down next to him.

"Do you not know how to knock?" he asked me as he walked over the door and locked it.

"You're acting like you do" I answered him

"I DO WOMAN" he shouted at me. He turned around and started walking back to the sofa "So, what are you even here for?" he asked

"What, am I not allowed to visit you" I answered him

"No, what if I had a woman over"

"Tommy have you ever even interacted with a woman apart from me and Niki?" I asked him


"Name one then"


"You just proved my point" I told him laughing.

After that we ended up playing monopoly and Uno for the majority of the time that I was there, but at one point we got tired of that so we just started chatting.

"Did you hear that Punz is coming back" he told me.

"Who?" I asked him confused; I had never heard of that guy.

"Punz, you know, the mercenary that the Dream team pays to be on there side" he told me with a confused tone wondering how did I not know who he was.

"I have never heard of him" I said

"that's weird, if you want, we can sneak into the Dream team castle and I can point him out to you now" he said. I was very close to saying yes, but luckily, I remembered that I need to stay away from there until I move there in case we accidentally got caught which would sabotage the whole operation.

"I think I'll pass on that one, Tom. It's getting quite late and if we got caught Wilbur would kill us" Not a single lie detected there.

After one more hour I left Tommy to get home. I was planning on staying and sleeping in his sofa like I had done multiple times before, but I got too paranoid about my hair and that Wilbur would come round mine to talk about a sudden change of plans and would not find me there.

The next day, (so one day till I left) I woke up very early in the morning due to my door bell being ringed. I rushed down stairs and opened the door to see a very tired Wilbur.

"Hey Wilbur, come in" I told him. We both sat down in the sofa in the middle of my living room opposite an extinguished fire.

"Thanks, I'm um... I'm here to talk more about all the plans for tomorrow" he said. Anyone who saw him would be able to tell that he is very tired but the second he started talking, you would be able to tell that he is to the point of collapsing.

"Wilbur when was the last time you slept?" I asked him feeling very concerned.

"I don't know, but that's not important right now" he said which grew the worry in me. Why was he not seeping? Because of the mission? Why was he stressing out by that?

"So, I was planning on us not telling anyone that you were leaving and after your gone I would tell them, but I feel like it is safer for you to in fact do tell everyone in l'manburg that you're going and saying that you just need a break from everything, so you are going to go and explore different villages for a few months, because if any of them see you undercover they are less likely to think that it is you" he said. He was making a valid point, although I didn't think any one would question it if they did end up seeing me because you could not tell that it was me, but either way better be safe than sorry.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll go around l'manburg today and tell everyone, but Wilbur promises me that now when you leave you are going to go home and sleep" I told him with a stern tone.

"I wish but Tommy came into my bedroom a few days ago and started jumping on my bed, and after a bit he ended up breaking it, so I have nowhere to sleep" he told me.

"Oh, then you can sleep in my bed, like I said I'm going to be out the whole day" I offered him.

"No, no no no no, I could not do that, what if you get tired half way through the day and want to take a nap, plus Eret is going to fix it for me tomorrow" he kept insisting that it was fine, but I was not going to let him go without making sure that he was going to sleep.

"I don't care and I rarely ever take naps, so you are going to go upstairs and are going to go to sleep, I'm not taking no for an answer" I said standing my ground. He finally gave in and went upstairs to my bedroom, which he already knew where it was because I had to get him to help me build my house when I first modeled it.

After I made sure that I could not hear his footsteps meaning that he had gotten into my bed I started heading out to tell everyone about me leaving tomorrow.


words: 1031

Short chapter I know, but I did not have the motivation to write more and it was about time that I uploaded. Plus if I wanted the chapters to be well sectioned and go in a good pace it was better this way.

plz don't forget to interact in any way possible with the story and sub to me. Also if you have any questions feel free to pm me and I will surely answer it.

I was reading this story and the writer of it uploads a new chapter every day. HOW?!?! I get that I am a slow writer, but am I really that slow?!?!


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