The aftermath - 7

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y/n's POV


I ran

Who knows if Sapnap told any of them and so they are now looking for me, but it was certain that I could not get caught now. But most importantly is that they had planted TNT beneath the hole of l'manburg. If the TNT got exploded then all the work all of us have put into building l'manburg from scratch would be for nothing.

I started recognizing where I was which was a good sign meaning that I was close to l'manburg. I took a quick glance to my clock and it was around 2 am so I wasn't gone for too long which gave me a better chance that no one realized that I was gone.

I started seeing the walls of l'manburg in the distance which send a massive relief over my body.

Once I finally got right outside the walls, I went to the hole in the wall a climbed through it. I walked throw l'manburg not bordering to run as everyone would be sleeping, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and clutched my sword ready to take it out of its satchel and attack who ever it was. But I was quickly puled into a bear hug.

"Oh my god, y/n you had all of us worried sick," said a very feminine voice.

"Wait, Nikki is that you?" I asked as it was too dark to see her face.

"Yes, of course it's me, who else would it be" she answered as she let go of the hug. "Everyone is looking for you and we started thinking that the dream team had captured you".

"Wait, you're telling me that everyone knows that I was not home. How?"

"Well Wilbur wanted to tell you something so he went to your house and knocked, but since no body answered he started getting scared that someone might had taken you so he used the spare key that you gave him to enter and when he saw that you were not in the house, he went around to everyone to see if you were with them. He was about to go with Tommy to the dream team house to confront them and see if they had taken you but luckily Fundy was able to put some sense into them".

She explained all this whiles you two were walking towards your house but got interrupted by a loud child as always.

"THERE YOU ARE Y/N" Nikki and I both jumped by the loud scream contrasting a lot Nikki's very smooth way of speaking with her delicate voice.

"See Wilbur, I told you that she didn't get kidnapped" said one of the four boys running behind Tommy.

Then you got pulled into another bear hug but this time from someone a lot taller than Nikki. "Thank god you are okay" said the figure that was hugging you which you distinctively figured out the voice belonged to Wilbur.

"Yeah, I didn't realize that any one was going to be looking for me whiles I was gone" I said truthfully

Wilbur let go to the hug "why were you gone" he said although you both knew that he already knew.

"Well..." I said mustering all the courage to tell them "I went to the dream team house and got all the plans and the blueprint that you talked about, not only that but I have figured out what they were planning but if we want to prevent it then we need to get to work now".

"Okay so let's go to the meeting room and talk about it there" he said as he started walking forwards.


Once everyone had settled in their seats in the meeting room around the table, I pulled the blueprints out of my bag and laid it out on the table.

"so as you might be able to see this is the blueprint that the dream team had in their house and the one that Wilbur had hear them talking about, the blueprint as you can see contains the hole of l'manburg but if you look here" I moved to the other side of the table and pointed" these are pieces of TNT that the dream team has placed underneath us" every body widened their eyes once they understood what this meant.

"Wait, so they were planning to explode us?" asked Tubbo in pure shock.

"yep" I said

"right, so this means that we need to clear every last bit of it doesn't it" Fundy spoke for the first time in the hole meeting.

"yes, but we need to do it now because if they find out that I have taken the plans, then they might rush over here to try and explode us". Yes, I did leave out the fact I got caught because I could already tell that Wilbur was stressed out at the fact that I went without permission and I did not want to add the stress of me coming across one of them and fighting them.

"Right, Tommy and Tubbo you take the south, Eret and Fundy you take the north, and I will dig up the middle of l'manburg" Wilbur assigned everyone... except for me...

"What do you want me to do?" I asked

"I want you to go to your room and sleep, and then tomorrow, we will speak about you just leaving l'manburg and carrying out a mission when I specifically told you not to" he said with a stern tone.

"What? but I want to help" I said

"No, you have helped sufficient with getting us the plans but you also extremely worried all of us so for now go to your house. Everyone else start going over to your area, this is going to be a long night".

They all started to file out and left me there confused. Why was he mad? I literally single handedly got the plans from our enemies, but he is mad!

I'm the one who is mad!

I stood up and started walking towards the exit whiles all my thoughts kept telling me to turn back around and start an argument with them, but for once I decided to ignore them as I had a feeling that I was going to get more told off tomorrow and so I could keep all my arguments to let them lose tomorrow, and not only that but I would probably get into more trouble if I did start an argument now.

I finally got to my house and took my shoes of at the front door. I walked up to my bedroom and quickly got changed into my pyjamas. After that I got to the bathroom to brush and clean my teeth and do my skincare. Finally, I got the uniform from the drying rack that Tommy wet and folded it so that it would be ready for tomorrow. Then I got to bed and fell into a slumber pretty quick.


words: 1132

I feel like this is a very short chapter but either way I hope you like it. 

Also if any of you guys find any spelling mistakes do pleas tell in the comments so that I can change the word to the correct spelling.

also, yes, I did not publish a chapter last week, that is because I did not have one made, so I started working on it last weekend but I am a slow writer and i have had a lot of things in school which means in some days i would get home at 6 pm and i would just be exhausted. Again I am sorry but i might no be able to upload that frequently these next weeks because of the same problem... sorry

remember to drink some water and sleep sufficient!


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