gain their trust - 18

25 3 0

y/n's POV


I woke up at 8 am today, because for some reason my shift started at 10, which I was very grateful for since it meant I could sleep for longer, which was something that was always needed.

I sat up in my bed, ready to jump out of it and get dressed, when I noticed a crow silently staring at me from the end of my bed. Once it saw me staring, he got closer and wiggled his leg, which unexpectedly had a letter around it. I wasted no time and got to opening it.

To: y/n

From: Wilbur

Hey, I'm happy that you got the job, although I'm really intrigued at what you mean 'you had to beat up Sapnap for it'.

So, if I have co-ordinated everything correctly, this letter should arrive to you when you wake up. If it doesn't send me a letter ASAP, but if it does then we can proceed with my plan for you to gain their trust (the one I was talking about two days ago).

So, like usual I'm guessing you will go on a morning run, so when you get back, I want you to go to the Dream team and tell them that you over heard l'manburg talking about how 'they were going to get independence once and for all at 9:45 in the clearing to the North of the caste', that should hopefully make them all come and meet us. Once they do, us l'manburians will put up a fight like usual (since I am the only one who knows about this plan), and then when I tell to use their ender pearls (which I would have handed out before we got there) to get away without any major injuries.

If it all works the Dream team should start trusting you more as they should see how you're in 'their side'.

Pleas tell me ASAP if you are not able to do this, if you are, then good luck.

Love you. Bye!

"That doesn't seem too hard" I said to myself. After that I tried shooing the crow outside but it wouldn't leave, so I decided to just let him stay. I quickly got changed into running clothes and did my hair and makeup (to make my face look like a boy) which made my hair not look as good as it had yesterday, but it was going to have to work for now as I had already spent too much time reading the letter and getting ready, to actually make it look good.

I made it outside for a run without getting interrupted by anyone. *cough* Sapnap *cough*.

I did my daily run which took me around forty-five minutes, as I was getting paranoid that I would tell the Dream team about l'manburg too late and the plan would be messed up all because of me. I also sprinted my way back for the last three minutes so it would look much more urgent when people saw me dripping in sweat.

Once I was about to arrive, I ran my hand through my hair to make sure that it hadn't fell out or had any mishaps, and then it was time to set the plan in action.

When I got to the front door I saw two guard patrolling around it, I sprinted to them, the same way I had been doing for the past three minutes.

"Yo, Benji, you alright?" asked the one to the left.

"No, I- I just heard l'manburg and- and I need to- to see Dream" I answered him, and I was really regretting sprinting here now.

"Oh, yeah, um... I think he is in the Dream team kitchen" the one in the left spoke again.

"Great thanks" I said before I started running to the Dream team kitchen. Dang, I was a really good actor.

I pushed the door open with all my might, making it fly open. Because of that everyone in the kitchen turned to look at me immediately. Inside the room there was Dream, Sapnap, and George, and they were all sat around a table.

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