my new family - 4

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7-year-old y/n's perspective


We had been playing for quite a while, and for the most part it was able to distract me from everything that had happened only a few hours ago. We both played seeker and hider, but when I was hiding, he would give me more time so I could walk and not run.

I found out his name was Sapnap, and that he lived with 2 other friends. He was also really nice and caring, but no matter what I still did not let him win. DUH

It was starting to get dark. "I think I'm going to start getting ready to go home soon" he told me as we were walking around the forest. "We can meet here tomorrow, right?", I of course nodded.

I wanted to ask him if I could go home with him for the night as it would be safer for me. I mean what is safer a camp or house or where ever he lived, or walking aimlessly till I fine a cave were there could be spiders or worst.

"It also seems that your leg has gotten better, so tomorrow we can maybe play more running games" he continued speaking. "Yeah, that would be so much fun" I said as my brain stared to remember all the past things that happened and how much I wanted to ask him. But would it sound inpolite? I didn't need anyone to survive the night...

I heard him talking but my head was just cancelling all the noise, so that I could only hear his muffled voice. I turned around after I mustered the courage to ask him, but to my surprise he was gone...

I started to walk, I didn't know what direction Sapnap went so my only chance was to walk and pray that I would not get eaten by a random wolf. I continued walking for what felt for like an hour. It was pitch black and a lot harder to see. Struggling to see the ground so I wouldn't trip, and around me so if anything got close to me, I could start running before it was too late, I saw smock in the air coming from a bit far away. I started walking a lot faster, but with every steep I took my leg hurt more and more.

I finally got close enough to hear them. They were all laughing and having fun, it sounded as a few of them were older than me, but it did sound like there were a few younger than me. I was very close to a tree that hid me from them, but unluckily a blond 5-year-old came running at me. Once he saw me, he stood in shock for a few seconds "WILBUR THERE IS A WOMAN HIDING BEHIND THIS TREE" he shouted. All the five boys turned to look at me.

"tadle tail" I whispered at him as I came out of behind the tree. A guy with brown bushy hair came got up and came close to me. "Hey, are you lost little one?" he asked in a sweet tone. I simply nodded, not knowing if I could trust this people. It seemed like he read my mind though "hey, there is nothing to be scared about, my name is Wilbur and that boy that just found you is called Tommy". I looked around him, there were 4 boys plus him, the one he had just called Tommy, one with fox ears and a tail, one with some sunglasses and the last one with brown hair he also seemed like the sweetest one. "let me tell you who is who" then he proceeded to tell me all their names.

"so, now what is your name little one, and what are u doing here all by yourself?" he asked curiously "well my name is y/n and..." I stopped as I remembered everything all over again "um..."

I ended up telling them everything that happened, but by the time that I was finished with the story there were tears rolling down my cheek and I was sniffling trying to not cry too hard. Wilbur got closer to me and pulled me into a big hug. "I know what it's like to get your parents be taken of you, it's hard but it will get better. In the mean time you could settle with us" he said. I was tired my legs hurt and I needed a new home, but I was still scared. "What if the bandits come" I asked. I didn't want them to get split up like me and my family because of those bastards. "I have never heard of your village or those specific bandits that you talk about, which makes me believe that we are quite far away from them. Plus, this area that we are currently at is owned by a boy called Dream and his friends, so technically we are not supposed to be making camp here, but I am sure that nothing will happen because of this". He said in a very affirmative voice which made me believe that I was actually going to be fine.

That night they set up another tent for me and we had a lot of fun as they told me stories about them and I told them stories about myself.

The next morning, I woke up to the blond boy, Tommy shaking me. "What?" I asked in a very morning voice. "Nothing, I just wanted you to wake up, and it is already mid-day" he said. God this kid really got on my last nerve. I got him to leave and slowly got up, then I remembered that I was supposed to meet Sapnap in a bit.

I got out of my tent and walked over to Wilbur "hey, someone finally woke up" he said as he passed me some berries "there isn't much for breakfast but we are having to collect all this from the wild and it is really hard to make anything better than that" he said apologetically whiles I took the berries and started munching on them. "don't worry will, also when I was running away yesterday, I came across this boy around my age, he is also the one that bandaged my knee, and he said to meet him today again so we could play to some game, so I was wandering if you could take me" I told him. He looked at me with a bit of an apologetic look "I'm sorry but I'm going to have re-bandage that because it wasn't bandaged properly and it could still get infected. And it is very dangerous to go there as Dream could take you, he might even be one of them..." he said, but to be honest I understood where he was coming from, yesterday he told me a bit about them and he had complete reason to be cautious. "Fine, but you better no expect me to be locked in here" I said jokingly but a bit of seriousness did get in my voice. He nodded with a smile.

After re-bandaging my knee, I asked to play to some game and the five of us ended up having a lot of fun. I completely forgot about all my problems with them, and when I realized that this five were the ones I wanted to be with. I was always going to miss my parents and I would not hesitate to get revenge if I saw the bandits, but I felt at home with these guy's. 


I have to point out that everyone in this book is their current age (4/2/2023) and y/n is 21.

Also I am really not proud of this chapter, as i feel that (especially the beginning) is not well written and sounds like a five year old wrote it.

words: 1253

Hope you still enjoyed and also don't forget to add comments in any parts that you feel like it.

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