Caught - 23

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Y/n's POV


Dear Tommy,

I'm sorry I haven't sent any of you any letters, I've just been very busy.

I've met a lot of wonderful people and have crossed multiple biomes, but nothing compares to l'manburg. I really miss every single of l'manburg members, even Wilbur (I never though that could be possible).

I'm going to come back to l'manburg soon, as I'm nearly over with my travels, but I still don't know the exact date.

I hope you are having a nice time and that the Dream team hasn't been too much trouble.

Love you.


I had just finished writing my last letter, which was to Tommy. I wrote one for every person in l'manburg, but most of them where the same with just a few alterations in the wording. I wrapped the letters around a crow's foot with some string that I was able to acquire and let him fly off.

I didn't have a morning shift today, instead today my shift was from 5pm – 3am. So now that I had finished writing the letters I was going to go on a run, have breakfast and go back to bed so that I had enough energy to stay awake till the devil's hour.

"heyyyyy" said a voice behind me, scaring me, and interrupting my train of thought. I quickly spun around my chair landing my eyes on Oliver whom was closing my door and locking it with my spare key that he had.

"God, Oliver, you need to stop scaring me like that" I told him. He sat on my bed before opening his mouth to speak.

"Well, I have a shift in seven minutes, and if I went now, it would be too early, so I'm here" he explained.

"I have a shift at night, so I'm going to quickly go on a run, and the sleep" I said as I put a hoody over my body. Summer was coming to an end, and the weather in the morning was starting to get a lot colder.

"At what time will you wake back up?" he asked me.

"Probably around five thirty" I told him "Why?" I then proceeded to ask.

"Well, I'm going to be all lonely today, so I'll come to your room at that time to have some actual human interaction" he explained.

"Right, well sadly I need to get going, and so do you" I told Oliver as I got up from my chair and guided him out my room.

Oliver sighed as he got out the door "I'll talk to you later" he said before he walked off.

I had decided that I was not going to put my hair up or do my makeup as it was very early in the morning so I would probably not come across anyone, and it would also take too much time. But I still had to be a bit careful so I put my hair in a ponytail and put my hood up.

I quickly made my way down the castle and out the door without anybody talking to me. I did a slow jog as I ran through the green grass of the forest, making my way through the none existing path that I had created during my time in the castle. Around the ten-minute mark my body was creating and absolute un-holy amount of sweat, but I could not take my jumper off as you can never be too sure that nobody is watching you.

I only managed fifteen more minutes before I was fully drenched. I lowered my hood to cover more of my face whiles passed by the two guards at the front door.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" the one in the right asked me. Did he seriously not recognise me, even though the hood covered the top of my eyes, you would think they could still tell who I was.

"Yo, it's me, Bengi" I said as if they were stupid for not recognising me, which they were.

"Oh, sorry Benji, didn't know it was you due to your hood" he told me before moving away and letting me pass. I walked into the castle, absolutely regretting not dressing like a boy. I was planning to have breakfast before going back to bad, but I could not be bothered.

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