training - 17

26 1 0

y/n's POV


That shift was so boring! All I did was stand in my spot, that's it. There was absolutely nothing to do, next time I NEED to bring a book, for the sake of my sanity.

Thankfully it was currently 7:15pm, which not only mean I was off that horrendous shift but that training was about to start. During my 3 hour break in between my shift and this training I had gone around trying to figure out what training was all about, to which I found out that it was mainly sparing and that once a week they would have a tournament were we all spared each other, and lucky me, it was today.

The actual training was about to start since the last 15 minutes where actually spent by all the guards chatting and some arriving late.

"Okay, I think everybody is here, so let's just start" said the guard that told us where we were going to be patrolling this morning, which I was figuring out that he must be one of the chiefs.

"So, we're just going to do what we always do, two people get picked at a time, they fight, and whoever wins passes to the next round, the person who ends up wining all the rounds wins absolutely nothing, because this is your job and you get paid to be here" the guy continued explaining "okay so the first two guys are..." he looked around "... Liam and Theo" he picked.

They quickly got up, and went to the opposite sides of the room. "Ready?" the officer asked, they both nodded "go". They both ran at each other and started troughing fists.

"Just a heads up, this is going to be boring" Oliver said to me, making me face him.

"Oh, well that's fantastic" I answered him sarcastically.

For the next twenty minutes we just sat there and talked away about random stuff, there was some moments where we decided to look at the fight that was going to because it was good one but it never lasted long. That was, until I hear my name being called out along with one other guy called Will.

We both got up and went to opposite sides of the room like everyone else had done before us, which is when I saw how short this guy looked, I was already quite short myself compared to some of the guys here, but he was next level.

"Ready?" I heard I voice say. I nodded along with the guy in front of me. "go"

We both quickly ran closer, like everyone else had done before us. He quickly threw a punch at me which I easily dogged by going to the left, during that swift movement of dodging his punch, I kicked him in his guts with my right leg. He doubled over due to the kick, so I grabbed his hair and yanked him back making him land on his bum. Lastly, I put my foot on top of him and put most on my weight on it so that he could not get up.

"Five, four, three, two, one, stop" the chief counted down. I let my foot go from on top of him and walked back next to Oliver. "Well, that was quick" Oliver said to me as I sat down on the floor beside him, "I know right" I agreed.

The next two fights were as boring as the last ones, until Oliver got picked where he won very easily. After him we went into round two, and then three, and then four. Sadly, they were all boring, every single one of them. And to no one's surprise I won every single fight I did, sadly Oliver lost on round four which was in fact the semi-finals. That meant that we were now entering the finals.

"Okay, now for the last round will Benji and Tyler come up," said the officer. We both got up and went to opposite sides of the room. Tyler was extremely muscular, and from what I overheard, most guards were scared of him, normally I would call those guards pussies but Tyler looked like he could take on an entire army of very well-trained soldiers alone and still win without getting a single scratch.

"Ready?" the officer asked for a last time today. We both nodded whiles staring at each other.

"go" he said. But unlike every single other time, we both stayed in each corner and did not run towards each other. Everyone was silent, and out the corner of my eye I saw the Dream team and Punz enter, but I couldn't pay attention to them since I had to pay close attention to Tyler. At one point we started walking towards each other very slowly, studying each other's moves, and then, he broke into a full sprint which I did not have sufficient time to proses, so he got to me and swung his fist at my face which I did not block making me fall over, as I fell on my bum, I heard someone snicker and I didn't even have to look to know that in was non other than Sapnap.

I quickly got up and dogged another fist coming at me. I tried swinging a few punches myself but could not hit his face no matter how hard I tried. Every time he would swing at me, I would try and block it the same way he did but the one problem with that was that he was so much stronger than me. After a bit of back and forwards fighting, I came up with something fast.

He swung his right fist at me again, but this time however, I ducked and stepped to my left (which was his right), then I quickly got back up and grabbed his wrist from the side and turned it back making it hurt a lot. I held it close to his back before hitting his calve (back of the lower leg) making him kneel. I looked at the officer to see if this counted as 'keeping him down for 5 seconds' and as soon as I did eye contact with him, he started counting.

"Five, four, three" I was struggling to keep him down as he was trying to wiggle away from me, but I just kept his arm close to his back and put my other hand on his shoulder and putting all my weight on it, trying to keep him down for longer.

"Two, one, stop" the officer shouted. I let go of him and he quickly got up, then Tyler stretched out his hand for me to shake which I gladly shock. Once I separated my hand from his I looked around and everyone was staring at me without saying a word.

I looked around me not understanding why they would look at me like they had all just seen a ghost, which is when my eyes landed on my hat which I had dropped during that fight. My heart started beating so much faster and louder that I was shocked that Tyler next to me could not hear it. I raised my hands to my hair expecting it to all have fallen out and to have to run for my life because Sapnap would have sorely recognized me, but to my surprise it was all still up, messy, but up. That is when the officer started talking again "I guess we have a new winner" he said also stunned. "Benji, you have just won the guy who has won the last 37 competitions" Tyler explained after seeing me all confuced.

"oh" was all I was able to say. Had I really? That was why everybody was starting at me. I looked to the side and even the Dream team and Punz were staring at me. Punz is staring at me!


words: 1300

i know that i suck at writing fight scenes so if you guys truly hated it you can just make up one in your head.

I finished school!!!!!!

i am going on holiday so i won't be able to post anything for around 2 weeks, sryyy!

i hope that you guys liked this chapter


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