First letters - 14

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y/n's POV


"Here is your room" Oliver told me

After my fight with Sapnap they had to hire me because of the deal. So, whiles I signed some papers and made sure that I was reading them correctly, the rest of the Dream team and Punz were in the infirmary helping Sapnap. After I signed everything, Oliver was instructed to take me to my room which was in the same floor as all the other guards.

"You can decorate however you want, and if you accidentally break the wall you will have to pay for it" he continued taking

"How would I break a wall stone wall?" I asked confuced

"It has happened before" he said like it was the most common thing in the world. "Anyways, here are your keys to the door since we all want our privacy" he said as he passed me a singular key "but I don't recommend hiding anything illegal in there since the Dream team will end up finding out, and god knows what they would do"

"Okay" I said, taking what he just said into account

"In there you will find a bed, a wardrobe, cupboards, and a bathroom" Oliver finished explaining "understand everything?" He asked me.

"yep" I said

"Great, then I'm going to have to leave now and continue with my shift, but I'll come and talk to you later" he said.

After saying goodbye, I went inside the room to find a bed in the middle of the room, opposite that was a glass window. To the right of the window the cupboards and in the left of the room there a wardrobe. And lastly the bathroom which was in the right side of the room. However, the whole room looked really run down, like no one had been in it, in a long time, which is actually probably the case.

It really needed a makeover as soon as possible, but before I could get onto that I had to unpack my bag and get told my shifts.

I put my bag on the bed and started taking out my clothes to sort them out, once I did that, and also folded them, I started putting them into a wardrobe. After I did that, I grabbed a pen and my journal which I had in my bag, then got on the bed which was surprisingly comfortable, and started designing what I wanted the room to look like, because if anyone thinks that I'm going to spend here as long as I have to for the mission and not decorate this place, they are crazy.

After five minutes of just writing down some rough sketches of a few ideas I got rudely interrupted by a noise outside the window.

"What the fuck is that" I said out loud being caught by surprise. I walked over to the window and looked out of it, to just find the exact same scenery that was there before. I decided to open the window to get a better look, but right after I did that a crow flew in, at what seemed to be the speed of light, and then landed on my bed.

I stared at it for a moment not saying a word and it stared at me back, then is when a realized it had a piece of paper on his foot. I slowly got closer to it trying not to scare it, but the crow just got closer to me and wiggled his foot on which the paper was on. I decided to sit next to it on the bed to which he just got on top of me.

"you've got something there for me bud" I asked it as I took the paper off his ankle.

To: y/n

From: Wilbur

Hey, I wrote this a few hours after you left and gave it to one of my dad's crows so that is could take it to you as soon as he thought it was a good time (I never knew they could do that either and I live with him for years).

So, how is everything going with the mission? Back in l'manburg, Tubbo and Tommy keep complaining about how they don't see a point of you leaving, Niki and Eret have been trying to console them and cheer them up, but nothing is working.

I have a few plans about how to get the Dream team to trust you, but I'll tell them to you as soon as you write back to me.

Please do not let anyone see the letters, write back as fast as you can, and when you do write back give the letter to the crow whom will be our messenger for the time being.

love you xoxo

After reading that I quickly got my journal and ripped out a page, then I got to writing back.

To: Wilbur

From: y/n

I got the job as a guard! Although I did have to fight Sapnap for it... don't ask.

Do tell me he plans for them to trust me, because I can assure you that Sapnap hates me after beating him up.

Tell everyone I miss them and that they don't need to worry about me.

Bye, love you too

The letter was quite short however I didn't have much to write. I tied the letter to the crow's foot and guided him to the window.

"I see you later bud" I told him, he did a little wiggle with his whole body and flew away.

I grabbed my journal up again and sat down on my bed with my pen and started designing. But like the last time I got interrupted again, this time however it was someone knocking at my door.

I got up and opened the door to see Oliver there.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, so they gave me this paper with your shifts, so keep it safe until you know it of heart" he said as he gave me a piece of paper "and they also told me to give you a tour around the castle so that you know where to go for everything that you need to do"

"Oh, okay then, shall we go" I said locking and walking away from my room.


words: 1014

Yes, this chapter is really short, like REALLY, but i have a lot of end of year test going on and i also have another thing going on that i'm not going to say online but it is very time consuming.

i still hope you guys like this chapter either way.


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