prep for the plan - 10

35 2 0

y/n POV


After rethinking all my options for 30 more minutes my decision was easy. Why would I not want to take the opportunity?

Although Sapnap did see me, Wilbur said that they would make me look like a boy and I already have a bit of an androgynous face so that would make it easier for me. I've also never really had big boobs so my feminine features would not be a problem.

I started getting on with my daily tasks since I was supposed to tell my decision to Wilbur tomorrow.

~Time skip because I'm feeling very lazy and don't know what to write~

It was the next day and after a few hours of work and trying to find Wilbur I finally bumped into him.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked me.

"Yes, I'm doing it" I answered him confidently.

A smile grew in his face "great, I was hoping that you would say that 'cause I didn't have a plan two. If you want, we can go to Niki's bakery and sort your appearance out now and then I'll tell you all the details when we get out of there".

"Sure, I don't have much to do either way" I answered him before starting to walk towards the bakery.


We opened the door to the bakery sounding the bell at the top of the door to alert Niki that we're here. Once we stepped in, we saw Niki coming towards us from behind the counter.

"Are you guys here for food or..." she asked us.

Wilbur looked around to make sure that no one could hear us. "we're here for the plan" he said in a very quiet voice even though there was literally nobody around us.

"Right, let's go to the back" Niki told us whiles walking away.

Once we got there, we all sat down. The room had a lot of cupboards around the walls. It also had an aesthetic wooden chair in front of a full-sized mirror, along with a hanger with a few pieces of clothing close to it with wheels in the bottom to be able to move it around the hole room. Lastly, in the other side of the room, we were sat in a couch and Niki was on a chair in front of us.

"So, we need to convert you into a very different boy, right?" Niki asked to be completely sure of what she has to do.

"precisely" Wilbur responded.

"Okay, we need to start with your hair. I don't particularly want to cut it and I feel like you won't want that either because of its beauty" she told me, to which I nodded. "So, I have a few ways that we can get you hair look short with hair pins without cutting it, and it will look very realistic, so should we try that?" she asked me already starting to walk towards one of the cupboards.

"Yeah, let's try that" I answered before getting up and walking towards the chair in front of the mirror.


We were there for a while just trying a few hair styles that she told me. We ended up deciding on the top 3 that I liked because the rest made my hair look like a mop.

"So, which one of the three do you like the most?" Niki asked me.

"I really like two and three more than one, but between them two I don't know which one I like more" I answered her.

"I think that number two definitely suited you better and was very realistic" Wilbur spoke up after being silent for the hole time we had been there, he had actually been that silent that I had forgotten that he was even there.

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