The betrayal - 25

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Y/n's POV


My eyes slowly fluttered open, just to be closed back up when a bright natural light shined into my eyes. My brain then started recognising the pain my body was going through, especially the left side of my stomach, which, against my bodies demands, I stretched my arm to grasp. I again tried to open my eyes, this time, finally being successful.

I started looking at my surroundings without moving at all, I figured out the I was underneath a big green tent, and on top of a white bed with white bandages around my stomach and a big dark red blob in the left side.

I shifted myself up to a sitting position, clenching my teeth when it felt like a million daggers were impaling my stomach.

Someone is coming

What the fuck?

"I thought it would work; I really did" I heard a man's voice say as it came closer to me.

"It did work, her pulse is still regular" a woman's voice answered. After that they both went silent until the noise of the tent moving made me snap my head at the entrance. First Niki entered widening her eyes when she saw me awake. Next was Wilbur who fully froze when he saw me, before he launched himself into my arms.

"You're awake" he said as Niki started walking towards me. My body was begging him to get off as he was hurting my stomach, however I refused to let him go.

"Will, you're hurting her" Niki told him softly. He quickly separated him self from me whiles mumbling a sorry like a little child.

"Y/n how are you feeling?" Niki questioned me, as she looked at my stomach.

"Apart from the hole in my stomach and our nation being exploded, good" I said trying to lift everyone's spirits, which did work as I saw the corners of Wilbur's mouth twitch upwards.

"Well, then I have good news, because we have been able to fill in most of the crater" Will spoke up happily.

"That's great" I said, accidentally moving making my stomach become insufferable, to which Niki quickly reacted and told me to lie down. After a minute of silence Will spoke up again.

"I was so scared, that the blood wouldn't work" he whispered more to himself than anyone, but it still piqued my interest.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. He snapped his neck towards me and stuttered before explaining.

"Well, see... when we found you after the explosion, you had lost a lot of blood, and even when we tried to stop more from flowing out, it just kept coming" he breathed in "so we figured out what blood type you were, but none of us were compatible, so I asked the only one person who I knew did have that blood type. Techno".

"Oh, well tell him thank you for saving my life" I told Wilbur after he was finished explaining.

"Of course, just promise me that if yo- if you start hearing things you will immediately tell me" he said, his expression turning more serious. However, what he said caught me of guard. Did he mean that small voice that told me someone was coming?

Yep, he meant us

Who are you?


Okay don't answer me then.

After that Niki ushered Wilbur out of the tent as she said that I needed some rest, which she was fully correct because a minute after they both left, I fell asleep.

The next few days were a bit of a blur, the voices in my head kept talking to me, and everyone from l'manburg had come to see me, all except Eret.

I was currently in the bed and today was going to be the day that Niki would finally let me leave bedrest, I had also heard from Tommy that Eret had been grinding for some new materials that would help us win the war, which made me feel better about him not coming to visit me all this time. Along with that, this morning Eret had taken Will, Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy to a secrete base where all those materials were being stored, and I could not wait for them to get back and tell me what those things were.

"In here, in here" I heard someone say outside the tent before the tent opened and my eyes fell upon the monstrous site. Jack was carrying an unconscious Will in his arms, whom had multiple open wounds from a sword all over his body, all gushing out blood non-stop, leaving a trail of it were ever he was carried. Then Fundy entered, luckily, he was still awake unlike his dad. However, he had a big slit running through his entire leg pouring bold, making him limp and pull faces every time the leg touched the ground, and then had a bunch of bruises in his face. Next was an unconscious Tubbo being dragged by Fundy and Niki, making Fundy have even more pressure on his leg. Tubbo was in a similar state as Fundy, but obviously a bit worse, like a few more cuts and bruises, and him being passed out. Lastly Niki entered with Tommy in her arms (along with having an arm underneath Tubbo to hold him up). Tommy was in the worst condition than everyone else, he had way too many gashes on his body, and his clothes had been tarred up, and used to try to tie it around the big gashes pouring our crimson red blood.

I just sat there, eyes wide open, and not knowing what to do.

"What happened?" I said confused and worried, as I jumped out of the bed, picked up Tubbo and placed him in that bed.

"Eret betrayed us" Fundy spoke up as he lowered his head down to look at the ground. I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what he meant.

"He took us down a staircase to a room with chests, which we were told had stuff that would help us win the war, instead when we opened the chests there was nothing in them, and then Tommy being Tommy saw a button and immediately pressed it, which in turn opened a door allowing the Dream team to beat all of us up. We're lucky we are even alive after that." Fundy explained, his voice cracking a few times.

I simply stared at him not knowing how to react.

Eret wouldn't do that, he was my best friend, how could he betray us?

You don't need him, he was just waying you down

He was my best friend, he made me happy.

You're getting angry, now make him pay for what he did.

"Why would he do that?" I asked, trying to ignore the voices speaking to me.

"For power" Fundy responded.



not much to say this week.

remember to drink and eat something today!


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