Part 67: And if You Just

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Four simple words that just made her want to punch whoever said them. She had been a chubby kid, she hadn't been the top of her class, and she was usually just a little put down.

"You're so beautiful and if you just lost some weight all the boys would love you!"

"You're so smart and if you just studied harder you would beat all of them."

"You're so nice and if you just smiled more people would like you more!"

You're so smart...

You're so pretty...

You're so nice...

And if you just!

And if you just!

And if you just!

These 'helpful' tips were burning away at her soul. She was never small enough. She was never pretty enough. She was never smart enough. She was always just a little too far behind and just not quite good enough. That's why she cried silent tears in a dark room and spent hundred of hours studying.

And if you just!

And if you just!

And if you just!

They were just trying to help her. They were just trying to share information they had.

They weren't just shoving their thoughts, their feelings, their insecurities onto her. No, who would ever do that?

Who would ever put their issues on their children? Who would ever think it was okay to make their child insecure about themselves? Who would even do this?

That was a question Rachel Elizabeth Dare had asked herself.

That was a question she asked herself a lot.

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