Live On-Air

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Minghao could live with most aspects of being an idol. One thing that caused him some major discomfort was having most of his life on broadcast, especially as an LBGT kpop idol with a medical condition.

Minghao and Junhui hadn't wanted to reveal their relationship when some eagle-eyed Carats spotted them kissing in the background of a Behind The Scenes video. PLEDIS had tried to deny the rumours but the damage had already been done. PLEDIS had threatened to remove the two from the group, but after they started gaining a lot more attention for their openness as members of the LGBTQ+ PLEDIS agreed to let them stay.

Of course, not all aspects of dating with a whole fandom watching were good. Carat knew every move they made, every time they held hands, kissed, and most concerning of all, argued.

It was very rarely that Minghao and Junhui started arguing, so when they did, it was a big deal, for them, the group and Carat alike. Carat started speculating break-ups, the groups struggled to get the two Chinese men to make up and usually if the argument was bad, Minghao and Junhui would refuse to talk to each other, creating a divide in the performance team.

Their latest fight had started when Junhui accidentally knocked over a painting Minghao had been working on, smudging all the paint and forcing Minghao to start all over again. When Minghao whined that Junhui was much too clumsy, Junhui made an offhanded comment about the fact that Minghao was too much of a perfectionist for his own good. That part of the fight ended in hostilities when Minghao shoved Junhui over and rushed out of the room.

The fight went on for a few days. Wonwoo and Minghao ended up swapping rooms so the two wouldn't keep each other up. Minghao slept in Mingyu's bed with him, often crying about the fights and complaining that it was making his Addison's disease flare up while Wonwoo slept with Junhui, letting the elder complain about how fussy Minghao was.

On the third day of arguments, Jeonghan tried to intervene, but it just ended with another Mandarin shouting match.

It was on the fourth day that things were brought to a swift, unfortunate end.

All thirteen members were involved in an interview. They had to wake up at four in the morning to arrive at the venue in Daegu by eight in the morning.

During the drive, Minghao had a fainting episode which warranted a warning from their management team and Minghao taking some dextrose tablets.

Mingyu helped Minghao with all his equipment, taking his blood sugar reading and giving him the dextrose tablets.

Once they reached the venue, Minghao was rushed away by medical staff to get some extra supplements by IV while he got his makeup and hair done.

The next time anyone saw Minghao was just before their live interview started. They were to be in front of a live audience and the interview was being live-streamed, and also recorded to be posted later on.

Minghao and Junhui were forced to sit apart, Jeonghan and Seungcheol separating them so they couldn't take each other's heads off halfway through the interview. Unfortunately, that wasn't their biggest problem.

They were barely fifteen minutes into the interview when Minghao suddenly fell from his chair.

It all happened so fast.

There were cries from the audience, shouts from the staff and a few members gathered around Minghao's unconscious form to make sure he was alright.

The group had managed to stave off any Addison's-related seizures for a good few months until his unconscious body tensed up and he started seizing.

The moment he started jerking and shaking, Mingyu grabbed his head, although not before he hit his head hard on the wooden floor. Seungcheol protected one of Minghao's wrists as it threatened to crack against the floor while Joshua grabbed his injection kit.

Hypoglycaemic MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now