☆ DT's terrible plan ☆ (prologue)

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Catra's ears perked up at the sound of knocking.

She got up from beside Adora, and went to check.

She was both surprised, and annoyed when she saw Double Trouble leaning in the doorway, a smug expression plastered their face.

'What do you want from me' She hissed. The memory of their betrayal still  stinging.

'Nothing, Kitten, I see you and Adora have made up? How unfortunate, you two were giving me incredible drama ideas'

Catra's eyes narrowed. She didn't trust them one bit.

'Either you tell me why your really here, or get out' She stared at the ground as she spoke.

'Fine. I'm sorry, for betraying you, anyways, I'm really bored, and the drama here in Brightmoon is seriously lacking, so, I have an idea'

A mischievous glint shone in their eyes.

'What is it?' Catra wasn't even sure she wanted to know.

'Sooooo, I want to prank Sparkles~' They grinned.

'I'm in'.

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