◇ "Because" ◇

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That's all that they heard.

Up in the crushing void of space.

It was just like the time after Catra had saved Glimmer.

And what they mean, is that it was the same people.

Entrapta, Glimmer, Bow and Adora.

Bow worked with the control panels. While Glimmer made dinner, with Adora helping.

They hadn't received any news from Brightmoon.


Honestly, Glimmer was worried. It had never been this unproblematic.

Even before they set off.

She recalled having to teleport Perfuma all the way to Thaymor to stop her from clawing Mermistas head off.


It was quite worrying for nothing to have happened.

Just as she had convinced herself that everything might have gone well, the pad rang.

Groaning, Glimmer pressed the button.

And Scorpias face appeared.

'Hey Glimmer, sorry to disturb your trip, but awwh man, things have gone a little, how do I say this? Off track'

Glimmer physically winced.

'What happened'

'Welllll' Scorpia paused, as if wondering if she should actually tell her. 'Well, after the alliance won a battle against some bad guys yesterday, they had an.. um, celebratory dinner...' She trailed off.

'Scorpia, what happened'

'Well....After we had all eaten, no one except them know exactly what happened, but they won't tell us... so basically, Mermista and Perfuma nearly ripped each other to shreds in a fight'

Glimmer froze.

Those absolute idiots.

'Where are they now?' She practically hissed the words.

'Err....they're in the infirmary,

'When they get out, tell them to call me, so they can get a strong telling off from me' She forced a smile, yet her eye was twitching passive aggressively.

Back in the Frightzone, things were getting even better.

Beautiful houses and stalls scattered the lands around the old Horde base, which had been re-fashioned into a marble Palace.

People were actually living there.

'Hey Kitten~' Catra glanced over her shoulder to see DT grinning at her.


'Welll- I was doing a lil bit of research on the Crimson waste for you, here it is!' They handed her a large red folder packed with info on her future kingdom.

'Woah! How long did this even take?!' She gaped as she flicked through the work.

'That's unimportant, what matters is that we are going to be an awesome duo!' DT sang as they danced down the hallway.

The two walked past the ballroom where Lonnie and Rogelio were jokingly dancing to "I/Me/Myself".

The two were laughing

It made Catra surprisingly sad. It made her miss Adora.

DT seemed to notice her sudden change in mood, and held out their scaly hand.

Catra raised an eyebrow, but took it.

DT pulled her into the room, and spun her around as they started to sing along.

Catra laughed as she joined in.

Soon, Kyle joined Rogelio and Lonnie.
And Imp was dancing with a little robot that Entrapta had left with Hordak.

The group were all smiles and laughter for the rest of the evening.

And that night, they had a family dinner together. Hordak included.

Because, thats what they were.

A family.

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