♡ Prank #3 Their friendship half amends♡

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The princess alliance sat around the war room table.

Mermista was glaring daggers at Perfuma who was simply confused over the events that had taken place.

'I know who is behind this' Glimmer suddenly looked up.

DT and Catra froze.

They were sitting in a tree right beside the open window, just out of sight.

'I..I don't want to believe it... but I found this when I was scouting the area that the "wedding" took place' She continued as she slid a note into the middle of the table.

Catra and DT sighed in relief as they realised that their plan had worked.

The note read;

Dear Bobrita,
It worked. Mermista is mad
At Perfuma, she believes that
The two were married after
Admitting to their affair,
You made your fake Perfuma
Costume work girlie,
Love- Bow


Bow gasped and shook his head. Mermista stared at the note in shock, the words processed, and she lunged at Bow.

'I'm so sorry Bow, but guards? Put him with Double Trouble and Catra, If I'm correct, they will be asleep around now' Glimmer sighed.

Speaking of DT and Catra, they currently had their tails in their mouths to stop any noise as the choked on their silent laughter.

Soon, they returned to the frightzone. Laughing as they went. They made them selves a large celebratory dinner of all different kinds of poultry and lactose free milk.

They certainly were having the time of their lives.

For dessert, they had a nice big cake DT and stolen from Brightmoons local bakery.

It was quite amusing for them to watch a gaggle of Brightmoon soldiers panic when they had accidently followed them into a large trap. Which resulted in them now stuck in a net attached to the bakery roof.

Fun times.

But soon, the sun began to droop below the horizon.

They cleaned up any mess, and changed into their pajamas.

DT clambered into their bed first, watching as Catra fixed her obnoxiously bushy tail.

Soon, she slipped under her covers, muttering incoherently about stupid tails and annoying bakers, and even more annoying soldiers and showers.

'Night, Double Trouble' She mumbled as she turned on her side.

'Goodnight Kitten~'

Around midnight, DT woke to the sound of quiet sobbing.

They slipped out of their bed, and approached the source.

And to their shock, Catra was shaking violently as she sobbed, still asleep. An unusual sense of guilt and worry crashed over DT.

They had a feeling that they might have a connection to Catras midnight half asleep cry sessions.

They sat down next to Catra, and pulled her up beside them.

They hugged her lightly, as her mis matched eyes fluttered open.

To her own surprise, she didn't feel uncomfortable, or angry. Instead, she melted into DT's embrace, allowing their silent comfort.

And with that, the two fell back into sleep.

Adora and Peekablue would be super jealous.

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