◇ The Prank was going well (at first)◇

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Catra and Adora woke to DT screaming nonstop outside their door.

'God, Double, What is it?' Catra groaned as she dragged herself out of bed.

The moment she stepped outside, she knew something was wrong.

DT was sitting, in the doorway of the room opposed to Catras, in absolute hysteria.

Catra immediately sat down beside them, despite the pains in her sensitive ears.

'Hey, hey, DT, what is it?'

'I-I....They were here! But then they weren't...I...I can't even..' They burst back into their screams and cries. Leaving Catra even more confused then before.

She guided them to their own bed, comforting them on the short trip, and left them to sleep.

Her gut was yelling for her to look deeper into it, but she honestly just wanted to cuddle up to Adora and rest,
So she did that instead.


Bow, Glimmer and Entrapta returned from their exploration mission the following day.

Glimmer was eager for proper meals, while Bow and Entrapta wanted to examine their finds.

'Right, me and Entrapta are going to Dryl to check on some things, see yah, Glimmer' Bow smiled as he walked out of the room.

Glimmer nodded and continued eating her egg on toast.

But shortly after Bow left, she noticed a tube of some kind of copper colored liquid in it, laying behind a curtain.

She was certain it didn't belong to anyone in Brightmoon, so who?

When she picked up the tube, it became clear. As on the side, in cursive gold, was a singular word. A name.


'Damn Cat' She snickered, slipping the engraved container into her pocket.

She decided not to tell anyone what she found until she had all the proof, as they was still the possibility that this had been lost by their furry friend before the pranks.

She was going to find out.

The Frightzone

Lonnie groaned as a scream erupted from the kitchen.

She heaved herself off the couch, and went to go find the source.

She was surprised to see Hordak sitting, more like clinging, on the counter, hissing at something she couldn't see from the angle she was at.

'Hordak? What happened?' She said as she walked over to the counter.

'Wha-What is that thing?!?' He shrieked, pointing at the floor.

Lonnie followed the gesture, and was surprised, but not afraid, of the metal spider tapping and clicking behind the breakfast bar.

She sighed as she picked it up.

'Its alright, Hordak, its just a spider, I'll name him... Kyle the 2nd' She snickered as she walked away, the creature- I mean Kyle the 2nd in her hands.

Hordak frowned as he slipped down from the counter.

Just a spider? He shuddered.

He really hoped the place hadn't been infested with them. He did not, want anymore Kyles around.

One was enough.

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