♤ The Convo of Doom ♤

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A surprised scream echoed through the halls of Brightmoon.

Glimmer and Adora rushed into the spare room, to find Perfuma standing in the middle of the room, pointing at something.

They realised what had happened immediately.

Catra and DT had escaped, leaving piles of fluffy pillows in their wake.

It would have been funny, apart from the realisation that the two could've escaped ages ago, and they were only now figuring it out.

They felt stupid.

Regardless, Adora burst into hysterical laughter. Reminding Glimmer of a very, very, drunk hyena.

'Err... Adora? Are you alright?' She glanced at Bow.

Bow on the other hand, was thinking about the time he had reacted the very same when they were on Darla, when they had gone to save Glimmer from Horde Prime.

Bad times = eventual good times.

'Oh I'm perfectly fine!' Adora roared with laughter as she arched into the desk behind her.

'Maybe you should go rest' Perfuma piped up.

'Agreed' Glimmer sighed.

Meanwhile, with DT and Catra, they were eating their breakfast.

'Who are we pranking today?' Catra said as she glanced up from putting the nutella on her toast.

'I'm considering Castaspella' They wiggled their eyebrows at her.

'Perfect' Catra grinned as she finally bit into the toast.

'So what's the plan?' She continued.

'Glad you asked, so, I'm going to transform into Bow, and go into her place, and tell her Glimmer is sick, and knowing her, she'll immediately go visit, and in this time, we can go and destroy the sewer and pipe systems, so they can't shower, bathe, or anything. And like, we can sort of temporarily rid them of their magic but only on that domain?'

DT explained, waving their hand about as they spoke.

'You, are a genius' Catra smirked.

'Why thank you, Kitten' The two snorted as they continued eating their breakfast, occasionally adding in little details to their plan.

Back in Brightmoon, things weren't going to well.

Glimmer was in a panicked flurry, she was set on finding her "prisoners" but at the same time they had to make sure that Adora was okay, and she was taking a while to recover.

'I'm sure they're going to return soon, Catra will anyway, do you really believe she would abandon Adora?' Bow told her.

'Not really, no, but, Bow, we still have to be careful' She retorted.

Bow frowned.

He was rightly confused and concerned at the many events that had taken place over the last few days. Yet he did understand Glimmers eagerness to recapture Double Trouble. 

They had been enough to handle during the war with Hordak few years back.

While this was happening, Lonnie, Imp and his adoptive parents Rogelio and Kyle caught wind of the situation, and decided, that this would make for wonderful prank wars.

And so they began.

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