♡ Prank number lost count ♡

41 2 0

Hordak enters the changing Frightzone with a mind full of information.

When he enters Catras room, he finds her working on some paperwork.

She was finalising the plans to rule over the Crimson Waste.

'Catra?' He gave a quick smile as he approached the girl he had taken a pat in raising.

'Yeah? Sorry, just finishing this, anddd- done!' She smiled as she picked up the neat pile of paper.

'I just finished the mission of getting info from Brightmoon'

'That's great! Thanks, hey, can you write it down in this notebook for now?' She replied as her expression brightened.

'Sure' Hordak said as she handed him the notebook.

DT suddenly flung themselves in the doorway.

'Guys! Guess what!? I heard from Imp that Glimmer, Adora and Bow are taking a roadtrip to some other planet! They've left Micah in charge, its all perfect!' DT squealed excitedly.

Catra smirked.

'Thanks, both of you, now I've got to go sort some source of transport between here and the Crimson waste, which is going to be renamed to something nicer'

And with that, She disappeared.

Hordak left the room, but DT stayed, as they still shared with the magicat.

They pulled out a picture and smiled at Peekablues face.

'Soon, my love' DT sighed lovingly.

Suddenly, they heard a snort, and they looked up to see Kyle and Imp giggling in the doorway.

'Get. Out' They glared, yet their green face was flushed.

'Sureee~' Kyle teased, jumping out of reach as DT made a movement signalling that they were getting up.

So for the next hour, DT chased Kylr and Imp around the new and improved frightzone.

And Lonnie and Catra were making plans for their kingdoms over tea and cake as this went down.

Rogelio and Hordak on the other hand, we're helping with the building.

Things in the frightzone and Crimson waste were certainly getting better, and clearly nicer.

But in Brightmoon?


Is all you really need to know.

Now that the OG best friend squad were off on their roadtrip, Mermista and Perfuma had taken advantage of Micahs lenience,

Which resulted in them battering each other after a group celebratory dinner for a problem the alliance had conquered.

Honestly, this whole thing was only getting more entertaining.

Especially for the ghost of Shadow Weaver.

Sadly, she wasn't able to join in.

But if she was, we all know how Etheria would end up.

Burnt to the core.

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