□ Its a square.□

39 2 0

The next few days,
The Horde squad grew accustomed to their new ways.

Catra and DT grew as closer as the others were now to Catra.

So, mission Cat-lizard besties was a complete success.

But they wanted more pranks, so yeah.

The next prank was on Scorpia. Luckily, it wasn't mean.

So they got to work.

DT stole straight up millions of roses and sunflowers from a now confused Perfuma.

Now for the next part of their plan. Well, after leaving a not explaining only this prank.

But, the night before the prank was going to happen.

DT was woken by Catra again.

She was curled up in a ball in her bed, The song 505 played from her phone.

She was once again, miserably sobbing as she slept.

As DT lay down beside her and pulled her over to them, they only had one thought.

"Even in her sleep this girl has no escape from the shitastrophy that is her life'

They sighed to themselves as they smell of fresh blood hit their nostrils. They weren't sure where it was coming from, but they assumed it was maybe a cut
Catra had gotten earlier in battle.

DT switched off 505, and put the same asmr that they themselves used, on for the magicat.

As the two dozed off calmly, DT made a vow in their head, to do everything they can to give Catra a better life. There was no way they were going to let her go down the path of war again.

They held her closer, listening to the purrs vibrating through her small frame.

And they smiled.

Back in Brightmoon,
They could no longer blame Perfuma or Mermista.

As all of them had been stuck in the pink goo together, and were all aware that there was no way it could've been them.

No one was eager to tell Glimmer and Bow what happened. So they decided to just let them see for themselves.

It was clear that Glimmer would lose the head when she saw what awaited her.


They knew that Bow might react quite similarly. Maybe quieter, but still furious.

Well, it wasn't like it was the princesses fault that Brightmoon had been trashed while they had been squabbling too often then not.

Yup. Glimmer and Bow were going to be angry.

Mermista was lucky she could hide under water, but the others weren't so lucky.

Entrapta though, was with Glimmer, Bow and Adora at the moment.

So she was completely out of the picture.

Much to the others annoyance.

Except, Perfuma had an idea. It may have been expected for her to have some kind of plan, but this wasn't just any plan.

It wasn't a plan that included forgiving and forgetting-

Well, until the end.

Instead, it was a plan of equal measure.
Scorpia even agreed to it, as did Bow when she called him to explain it. And Glimmer. And Adora.

For the idea was.

It was time for a prank war.

The Tales Of DT and Catra Where stories live. Discover now