☆ Catra's brilliant plan ☆

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DT quickly realised that maybe bringing up Catra's nightmares was a bad idea.

So they were going to plan a fun day out for the two of them to make up for going too far.

And so they got to work.

But just as they were about to go find out even more things to add to their list,
Catra came plummeting around the corner.

'DT! I want- No, I need to dye my hair! And I need to see what I would look like with black hair, so can you-?'

She didn't even need to finish, as DT had already turned into black haired Catra.

Catra grinned, nodded and gave a thumb ups.

'Okay... By the way, I have organised a day out for us~' DT sang.

Catra smiled.

'Sure, tomorrow?'


'Great, so what's the plan?'

Back in Brightmoon,
Perfumas rage was beginning to bubble over.

Scorpia was now constantly being careful with her words, to avoid being chased by a plant golem.


Mermista was constantly arguing with Sea hawk as well.

Brightmoon was becoming unbearably dreadful.

Yet somehow the people who'd caused it, were completely oblivious to the absolute chaos.

Which may seem impossible, but it is seriously quite common.

Annoyingly, common.

In space, Adora was gaining nothing. Unless you count panic as something.

The worry was practically killing her, so she may have ended up smiting someone...

But that's not the point!

She was seriously worried about Catra, despite whatever Glimmer and Bow said to comfort her.

But when she started hearing about the newer pranks on Brightmoon, a small piece of a puzzle suddenly popped up.

She didn't really put much thought into it, but it was there.

Glimmer was pretty sure she would go insane being cooped up in Darla for do long.

She was sure Adora was going crazy too. But for different reasons.

Even Bow was starting to loose his sanity.

Though he was very good at finding it.

Entrapta though? She was happy out. Just adding random things, and removing other things from the ship.

She called Hordak on her tablet every day. And everything was going perfect for her.

Lucky Entrapta, Glimmer grumbled to herself as she finished the last bite of her breakfast.

The ship went into turbulence. The crew were thrown into the side, screaming and roaring in panic as the ship spun through Space.

Luckily, Bow and Adora managed to set them on the path to a remote planet, so they wouldn't die for a while yet.

Entrapta couldn't, as she was at the whole other side of the ship, in the vents.

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