♧ Lending of a hand ♧

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When Adora woke,
She was alone.

For a moment, she had forgotten how she had gotten there, and began to panic. But then it all came back to her, and she calmed down.

She found a note on Catras pillow, asking to meet her at the creek at ten.

She hadn't a clue where that was, but she decided that she would have to find it someway or the other.

She dressed herself in the red gown Catra had left her with.

Before leaving for breakfast, Adora took a little look around the room, as she felt she would be staying here for a while, maybe even permanently living here.

She'd like that.

She stepped out of the room and into the hallway. With a glance of the clock, she realized it was half seven. Why was Catra up so early?

Suddenly, Kyle came around the corner.
He was listening to music on his airpods and didn't seem to notice her at first.

'Oh- Hey Adora' He smiled. Adora was taken aback. Last time she had checked, he hadn't had an undercut, or had muscles.

But here he was, undercut and muscles.


'Hey Kyle...Do you know where to get breakfast?' She asked, feeling suddenly awkward.

'Oh yeah, I'm heading there too! We can walk together' He smiled.

She also hadn't remembered him being this happy, and he seemed to be less tired then usual.

They entered the dining hall, and the first person Adora made eye contact with, was Hordak.

She nearly laughed when she saw what his fuschia t-shirt said.

And then, when he turned around, it said; 'Go amazing purple Tech goddess!'

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And then, when he turned around, it said; 'Go amazing purple Tech goddess!'

Adora sat down beside Kyle and Lonnie, who were laughing over something.

'What?' She said looking around.

'Oh nothing, just laughing over how great things have been since we banged into Catra on our holidays with out Adopted kid, Imp' Lonnie sighed happily.

'Imp? As in....'

'Yup. Imp as in Hordaks weird little gremlin of rage'


'During the war, we found him hiding from the clones. Kyle strapped him in to one of those baby carriers, and he sort of clung to us afterwards. We tried to take him to Dryl, and I nearly threw him off the cliff because of how annoying he was, but then Hordak bathed him, and we got to chill, and then Kyle asked if we could keep him, and Hordak said sure, as long as he could still see him'

Lonnie explained with a snort. Kyle whistling at the right moments.

Adora ate her salad as she listened. Suddenly, a moment after Lonnie stopped, she realized that it was already ten to ten.

'Hey, where's the creek? I need to meet Catra there in ten minutes' She exclaimed.

'Round the back of the palace, around a mile into the forest, you can find it easy from there' Hordak spoke up.


Ten minutes later

'Hey Catra'

Catra looked up as Adora sat down next to her. She leaned closer, their faces mere inches from each other.

'Well, shall we take a dip?' Adora teased

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'Well, shall we take a dip?' Adora teased. 'Sure, I'm not perfect with it yet, but I've managed to sort of soothe my fear, We can have a picnic later' Catra explains as  she helps Adoea undo the back of ehr dress before turning to her own.

And with a splash, this chapter comes to an end.

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