♤ Prank in Motion ♤

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The next morning, Catra woke DT with a newfound eagerness. It was time for the next prank, and it was going to be the biggest one yet.

They quickly dressed and went over the plan again.

They listened closely as Hordak explained how the prank weapons worked.

And this was clearly going to give the Horde squad a good laugh.

But Catra was wondering how Adora was at that moment. She could tell that Adora missed her by her resistance to battle.

Plus, DT had found out when disguising themselves as a guard on a scouting mission the previous morning.

An hour later, the hordes carriage rolled up in a secluded spot behind the palace.

It was finally time for the action.

The princesses were alerted for a meeting in Brightmoons war room.

But just as they sat down. Pink goo was dropped down on them, sticking them to their seats.

Catra and DT ran through the hallways, locking every single door as they went.

Hordak and Imp let the bots loose while Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio loaded the goo canons.

This was hilarious.

DT and Catra halted to a stop outside of the spare room they had been grounded in.

They shared a mischievous glance, as DT poured a transparent liquid that looked quite similar to water on the handle.

'Let's go' They whispered when they were done.

They sprinted down the steps, throwing eggs behind them as the cannonballs of pink goo flew past them and stuck to teh palace.

Oh stars this would be bad explaining to Glimmer.

Yet, they hadn't harmed anyone or any inanimate objects.

So technically they couldn't get into trouble for it.

But on the bad side, they were making a huge mess.

Imagine Glimmers face when she sees it.


Soon, the ex-horde squad arrived back in their beautiful kingdom.

Catra and DT high fived and danced around the hallway.

Everything seemed right, in this moment in time.

No worrying about Horde Prime or taking over Brightmoon, no betraying anyone or abandoning anyone, to one they worked for abusing them.

Everything was perfect.

The same could not be said for Bright moon.

Mermista and Perfuma had just been discharged from the infirmary.

Which meant more fighting between them.

Even Scorpia and Entrapta were starting to loose the head with them. It was just getting too much.

But even worse, Sea hawk had reappeared. And was telling everyone about waking up in some unique prison cell of the coast of Silenius.

Mermista had paled considerably at the information.

But after hearing the date, she realized that she was still somewhat correct. He must have been lying about when he woke up, and had been knocked out on his way out of Silenius after admitting to his affair.

This was only the beginning.

Perfuma started hearing complaints from her subjects, and soon she turned to blaming Mermista.

Scorpia didn't bother calling Glimmet about their problems anymore. She really didn't want to disturb them.

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